CARF Foundation

13 September, 21


Luis Chiva: "Natural Fertility Recognition is a profoundly feminist and ecological proposal".

The next CARF Reflection Meeting to be held this Thursday, September 16 will have as guest speaker Luis Chiva, director of the Department of Gynecology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Chiva will speak to us at the conference on "Anthropology, affectivity and health around sexuality and person-centered fertility". In addition, he will announce the free online Symposium on Natural Fertility Recognition (NFR) that will take place at the University of Navarra from September 22-24, which he directs.

The next CARF Reflection Meeting to be held this Thursday, September 16, will have as its guest speaker Luis Chiva, director of the Department of Gynecology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Chiva will speak at the conference on "Anthropology, affectivity and health around person-centered sexuality and fertility". In addition, he will announce the free online symposium on Natural Fertility Recognition (RNF) to be held at the University of Navarra from September 22 to 24, which he directs.

On the occasion of these two events, CARF has interviewed Luis Chiva to give us some ideas about the Reflection Meeting and the Symposium.

A feminist and ecological proposal

The Pamplona Symposium will address the study of the RNF from different scientific and anthropological perspectives. What is the central idea of the Congress?

 The first thing I would like to say is that our proposal on the Natural Recognition of Fertility is a profoundly feminist proposal, one of deep respect for women and the individual, but from the perspective of ecological feminism. The aim is to improve and respect women's health.

Therefore, the Symposium will be divided into three parts (see web), will reflect on human love, sexuality, the affective dimension, education, anthropology, knowledge of the person and, of course, the physiological and scientific bases of the RNF. We will review the entire physiology of the woman's menstrual cycle in order to obtain effective and scientific results to delay or seek pregnancy. We will review the role of the physician in FNR and we will review the different methodologies, also with the new technologies of natural fertility methods.

The morning workshops are of great interest. We will present the CUN-WOOM research program on artificial intelligence applied to RNF through a mobile app. Or we will see how an ultrasound helps to recognize the menstrual cycle. The accompaniment of couples is essential for the recognition of fertility and to know the beauty of sexuality without barriers, love without limits.

In addition, we will have a A very special conference entitled: "Love that becomes fruitful: from St. Paul VI to Pope Francis" by Monsignor Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa. Archbishop of Burgos, former student of Bidasoa and Navarra.

New technologies 

¿Are new scientific discoveries and new technologies effective in knowing when a woman is fertile and when she is not?  

In recent years, many areas of research have been developed around the natural recognition of fertility and this is because the physiology and menstrual cycle of women is much better known and, above all, because new technologies, in the form of mobile applications that are easy to follow by users, allow to have a great certainty of when a woman is fertile or not depending also on her weight, age and other specific characteristics. Some applications make it possible to know the specific hormonal situation of the woman.

From the point of view of natural methodsThere are a wide variety that fit like a glove on one hand to the tastes and needs of each woman. Each one has the ability to recognize major or minor fertility symptoms and many of them are based exclusively on the discernment of the characteristics of the vaginal discharge. Billings Method, Creighton Method, Symptothermal, etc.

The natural recognition of fertility is framed in a way of understanding life, health. Many people understand that this type of methodology fits much better than a contraceptive that alters and produces changes in the body, also from the psychological point of view.  


"The natural recognition of fertility is framed in a way of understanding life, and health."


In this CARF reflection meeting, prior to an important international symposium, we will discuss the anthropological, affective and biological dimensions of sexuality and fertility centered on the person with Dr. Luis Chiva, director of the Department of Gynecology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and organizer of the symposium.

Affective education in schools

In schools, information on sexuality is based on preventing pregnancies and is invaded by gender ideology. Why is it that when there is talk of another perspective, beyond Christian anthropology, public schools do not admit this type of training??

This question is of infinite interest. Sex education in schools is based on avoiding pregnancy and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. Sex has been trivialized, the giving part has ceased to exist and the body has become a leisure park. The deeper meaning of sexuality is not being explained.

All the beauty behind the Christian perspective on sexuality is not shown because we are full of prejudice and it is considered to be for people with conservative thinking rather than liberating thinking.

The beauty of sexuality 

I think there is a wonderful task ahead of us to showcase the beauty of what is the essence of sexuality, integrating, responsible, safe, without barriers and without limits because love has no limits. It allows us to give ourselves as persons and sexuality cannot be separated from responsibility nor can it be separated from self-giving. When I have a sexual relationship I give myself to you as a person, to the one with whom I share my life. This is the reason why in the congress we want to make a reflection, because the current approach to sexuality is tremendously poor. In schools, both public and private, it would be interesting to ask for this type of training as an alternative.

"I think there is a wonderful task ahead of us to show the beauty of what is the essence of sexuality, inclusive, responsible, safe without barriers and without limits because love has no boundaries." 

Marriage preparation

Is NFR discussed in depth in marriage preparation courses?

Another question of great interest. I must admit that marriage preparation courses in the Catholic Church have improved substantially in recent years. But certainly, the time spent on the natural recognition of fertility is short.

But at the level of the COF of the diocese they have increased their level of formation and this is very positive. It is also true that in some ecclesiastical circles this is considered unattainable and only for heroic couples. And this is a mistake.

The value of waiting

Young people now live together, use contraception and then get married. Is the value of waiting attractive?

It is of great interest to know that there are sociological studies that show that waiting, waiting to have sex at the moment you decide to give your life to the other person, has a value that can translate into stronger marriages with fewer breakups. The reality is that throughout a married and couple's life, two people who love each other, is an exclusive love called to be faithful, and that exclusivity sometimes requires continence. The value of waiting is a form of training, I will wait to have relations with you to have that stability that allows us that life can arise. It can be lived and there are many people who are considering living it and it produces solidity to the marriage, especially in the face of difficulties.




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