Code of Conduct

This whistleblower channel allows the CARF Foundation to prevent and detect any irregular, illicit or criminal conduct.
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Fundación CARF-Canal-denuncia-biblia

Code of Conduct

CARF aspires that its conduct and that of the people linked to it, responds and complies with current legislation, ethical principles and generally accepted principles of social responsibility.

CARF's code of conduct was approved by the Foundation's Board of Trustees on 29-9-2021, together with the implementation of the whistleblower channel.

You can see HERE our Code of Conduct.

Complaint of non-compliance with code of conduct

CARF makes available to interested parties a communication channel for the receipt of complaints related to legislative breaches and/or practices contrary to the principles established in its Code of Conduct, which may have been committed by or within CARF, and other situations or events that require the attention of the Regulatory Compliance Officer, who can be contacted at

You may also request a face-to-face interview with the Compliance Officer.
CARF guarantees maximum confidentiality in the investigation processes of the complaints received, protecting the identity of the complainants and the accused and their reputation, informing only the persons strictly necessary in the process.

The personal data provided through the complaints channel will be processed by CARF exclusively for the management of the communication received, as well as for the performance of any actions and investigations deemed necessary to clarify and resolve the complaint received.


The information provided through this channel will be kept only for the time necessary to decide whether to initiate an investigation into the reported facts. After three months from the communication, the data will be deleted from the complaint system.

Complainant's data

Complaints will not be accepted without the following information from the complainant: name, surname, telephone number and e-mail address.

Complaint mail

You can see HERE our Code of Conduct.

Reported facts

Regarding the facts denounced, the following must be stated:

- Persons involved (identity of the persons denounced, if known, their names, positions or functions in the Foundation).

- What the reported fact consists of, being as concise as possible in the exposition and stating all relevant data for the clarification of the report.

- You must also indicate whether you are a volunteer, vendor, donor, beneficiary, or are affiliated with the Foundation in any way.

- Precise or approximate date of the facts denounced.
- If you have documentation that you consider to be evidence of the non-compliance reported, please provide it as an attachment to the complaint email you send us.

Contribute to the achievement
of our mission

CARF values very positively that its users, partners, members, employees, volunteers, suppliers or collaborators, denounce those behaviors that violate the code of conduct that are irregular, illegal or criminal.
For this reason, we make available to all users the whistleblower channel so that they can report breaches of the Code of Conduct or any irregularities, illegal or criminal behavior that they detect within the CARF Foundation.