Fund management report endowment

The objective is that the endowment fund, endowment, of the CARF Foundation can meet the maximum possible amount of study aids. See the report.
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Endowment CARF Foundation
December 31, 2023

The endowment has distributed for study grants the amount of 553,971 ā‚¬ which represents 10 % of the total amount granted by the CARF Foundation, which reached 5,539,713 ā‚¬ in 2023. See the detail of the report.

Real estate: 13,402,020 ā‚¬.

Cash and cash equivalents: 2,553,270 ā‚¬.

Variable income: 4,953,492 ā‚¬.

Fixed income: 3,484,889 ā‚¬.

Mixed: 1,956,654 ā‚¬ 1,956,654

Raw materials: 811,738 ā‚¬.

Private Equity: 1,654,971 ā‚¬.

Alternative management: 943,839 ā‚¬ 943,839

Distribution of assets 2023 %
Treasury 2.553.270 8,58 %
Fixed income3.484.889 11,71 %
Equities4.953.492 16,64 %
Mixed funds 1.956.654 6,57 %
Alternative management943.839 3,17 %
Raw materials 811.738 2,73 %
Private equity 1.654.971 5,56 %
Real Estate 13.402.020 45,03 %
Total: 29.760.873 100 %
Summary of profitability of some figures %
Treasury 3,50 %
Financial assets 9,57 %
Real Estate 5,17 %
Private equity 5,37 %
Overall background performance: 7,46 %

Endowment CARF Foundation
December 31, 2022

The endowment has distributed for study grants the amount of 523,000 ā‚¬ which represents 9 % of the total amount granted by the CARF Foundation, which reached 5,810,154 ā‚¬ in 2022. See the detail of the report.

Real estate: 11,591,043 ā‚¬.

Cash and cash equivalents: 888,497

Variable income: 4,473,540 ā‚¬.

Fixed income: 3,134,427 ā‚¬.

Mixed: 1,527,714 ā‚¬.

Raw materials: 468,273 ā‚¬.

Private Equity: 1,441,636 ā‚¬.

Alternative management: 1,037,243 ā‚¬.

Distribution of assets 2022 %
Treasury 888.497 3,62 %
Fixed income3.134.427 12,76 %
Equities4.473.540 18,21 %
Mixed funds 1.527.714 6,22 %
Alternative management1.037.243 4,22 %
Raw materials 468.273 1,90 %
Private equity 1.441.636 5,87 %
Real Estate 11.591.043 47,20 %
Total: 24.562.373 100 %
Summary of profitability of some figures %
Treasury 0,10 %
Financial assets -5,64 %
Real Estate 5,54 %
Private equity 6,80 %
Overall background performance: -2,92 %

Endowment CARF Foundation
December 31, 2021

In 2021 the endowment has distributed for grants the amount of 481,500 ā‚¬, which represents 9 % of the total amount granted by the CARF Foundation. See the detail of the report.

Real estate: 11,111,500 ā‚¬.

Treasury: 3,261,096 ā‚¬.

Variable income: 6,027,087 ā‚¬.

Fixed income: 3,024,235 ā‚¬.

Mixed: 1,023,678 ā‚¬ 1,023,678

Raw materials: 444,316 ā‚¬.

Private Equity: 1,321,134 ā‚¬.

Alternative management: 963,633 ā‚¬ 963,633

Distribution of assets 2021 %
Treasury 3.261.096 12,00 %
Fixed income3.024.235 11,13 %
Equities6.027.087 22,18 %
Mixed funds 1.023.678 3,77 %
Alternative management963.633 3,55 %
Raw materials 444.316 1,63 %
Private equity 1.321.134 4,86 %
Real Estate 11.111.500 40,89 %
Total: 27.176.679 100 %
Summary of profitability of some figures %
Treasury 0,05 %
Financial assets 10,75 %
Real Estate 3,86 %
Overall background performance: 5,86 %

Endowment CARF Foundation
December 31, 2020

In 2020 the endowment has distributed the amount of 400,000 ā‚¬ for study grants, which represents 9 % of the total amount granted by the CARF Foundation. See the detail of the report.
If you want to see the Annual Report again, click here. here
Distribution of assets 2020 %
Treasury 3.783.261 15,38 %
Fixed income1.931.115 7,85 %
Equities5.671.437 23,06 %
Mixed and guaranteed 660.412 2,68 %
Equities5.671.412 23,06 %
Raw materials 431.445 1,75 %
Private equity 1.229.962 4,99 %
Real Estate 10.891.609 44,29 %
Total: 24.599.241 100 %
Summary of profitability of some figures %
Treasury 0,05 %
Financial assets -2,41 %
Real Estate 4,10 %
Overall background performance: 1,21 %