La misiĆ³n de la FundaciĆ³n CARF

Rezar por los seminaristas y sacerdotes diocesanos; difundir su buen nombre por todo el mundo; y promover su formaciĆ³n integral.

La FundaciĆ³n CARF (acrĆ³nimo que significa Centro AcadĆ©mico Romano FundaciĆ³n) promueve actividades de carĆ”cter cultural, encaminadas al fomento y alĀ  desarrollo de las humanidades en todas sus manifestaciones, y, primordialmente, la formaciĆ³n especĆ­fica que reciben los seminaristas, sacerdotes diocesanos y religiosos de la Iglesia CatĆ³lica.Ā 

We believe that it is possible to improve people's daily lives through the integral formation of young men with a vocation to serve through the priesthood. For this reason, the CARF Foundation, thanks to its benefactors, contributes financially so that seminarians, diocesan priests and religious from all over the world can receive a solid academic, theological, human and spiritual preparation.

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annual report carf foundation 2023

Annual Report 2023

Conoce la actividad de la FundaciĆ³n CARF 


Una formaciĆ³n excelente para apoyar vocaciones en todo el mundo.

Gracias a personas generosas como tĆŗ, los candidatos pueden completar su formaciĆ³n acadĆ©mica, teolĆ³gica, humana y espiritual en universidades y seminarios de Roma y Pamplona.

Each year, more than 800 bishops from around the world apply for grants to help them train their students to become bishops. PUSC and in the UNAV.

Most vocations today are born in African or American countries, which lack the means.

You give life to the Church

TĆŗ das vida a la iglesia

El futuro de la Iglesia depende de ti.

Make a legacy o joint and several will a favor de la FundaciĆ³n CARF y estarĆ”s ayudando a construir la Iglesia diocesana en todo el mundo.

MĆ”s informaciĆ³n

Servir a la Iglesia en todo el mundo


countries send candidates to universities and training centers


beneficiarios ordenados obispos desde 1989.


beneficiarios formados el aƱo 2023.

ĀæCĆ³mo se desglosa una ayuda?

11.000 ā‚¬

La mayor parte de la ayuda concecida por la FundaciĆ³n CARF va dirigida al alojamiento y manutenciĆ³n.

7.000 ā‚¬

El resto va dirigido a la foramciĆ³n acadĆ©mica y complemento educativo.Ā 

Gastos personales

Los gastos personales de los alumnos son cubiertos por su diocesis o el propio alumno.

"If there were no priests, there would be no Church. Let no vocation be lost for lack of resources!"
So thinks Margarita, benefactor of the CARF Foundation.


Help to sow 
the world of priests
Leave a mark

Universities supported by the CARF Foundation


Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarre


The Patronato de AcciĆ³n Social and the help of its volunteers

Learn more
Mass schedules and information to attend the Eucharist.