CARF Foundation

28 April, 23

universidad PUSC

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and its relationship with the CARF Foundation

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross is a higher center of ecclesiastical studies at the service of the whole Church. Its founder was Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, who fulfilled a long-standing wish of St. Josemaría. More than 20,000 students from 1,000 different dioceses and 200 religious congregations have studied there.

Universidad Pontificia Santa Cruz and its relationship with the CARF Foundation

Academic activities at the PUSC began in 1984, with the name of Centro Accademico Romano della Santa CroceThe germ of today's University, which was erected as "Pontifical" by the Holy Father. John Paul II January 9, 1990.

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross It currently consists of the Faculties of Theology, Canon Law, Philosophy and Institutional Social Communication; the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of the Apollinare is also an essential part of it.

The CARF Foundation and its commitment to training

Hundreds of bishops from all over the world request study grants from the University and the CARF Foundation is in charge of obtaining the funds to send diocesan priests, seminarians and religious to study in its classrooms. The objective of the CARF Foundationsince 1989 is to provide these young people with a deep scientific and spiritual formation at the PSUC.

The specific mission of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross is to deepen the intellectual content and anthropological richness of the faith, while establishing a dialogue with contemporary culture.

The Pontifical University of Santa Cruz an education open to the world

The Santa Croce is characterized on the one hand by being open to the world, in dialogue with secular culture. Both in teaching and in research there is an attentive look at the problems of the world, being aware that from the sacred sciences one can contribute to the search for truth.

Topics such as anthropology, social doctrine and the defense of life are the object of study. In addition, the vast majority of the professors at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross have obtained civil academic degrees in the various fields of knowledge, which facilitates this dialogue.

Following the wish of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, the academic activities are open to scholars and intellectuals in the scientific, philosophical, economic and social fields, providing the necessary elements for a true dialogue of faith with the world.

Among the greatest spiritual inheritances received by St. Josemaría Escrivá is undoubtedly the exhortation to cultivate a profound unity of life. This is manifested not only in a due coherence between words and deeds, but also through the harmony that must exist between professional and intellectual formation, on the one hand, and spiritual and theological formation on the other.

"Santa Croce is characterized by being open to the world, in dialogue with secular culture."

Luis Navarro, rector of the PUSC since 2016.

Because it is important for the CARF Foundation that seminarians and priests have access to a formation at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce.

First of all, because Rome is the cradle of Christianity! A few years ago, Pope Benedict XVI, Addressing the students of Roman universities, he told them that "the possibility of studying in Rome, seat of the successor of Peter and therefore of the Petrine ministry, helps you to strengthen your sense of belonging to the Church and your commitment to fidelity to the Pope's universal magisterium".

Also relevant during formation in Rome is the sense of union with the whole Church that is strengthened in the eternal city. Walking through the streets where so many holy women and men have walked is impressive and a spur for each one of us. To this is added another factor: in Rome you touch the universality of the Church. You see, talk and live with Catholics from all over the world: people of very different cultures, traditions and races, but at the same time very close because they believe in, proclaim and love Jesus Christ. When you discover this, a great horizon opens up in your interior life: belonging to the great family of God.

For this reason, the Pontifical University of Santa Cruz is an institution open to the world, and it carries out a training where the aim is to enable students to help the men and women of their country to encounter God precisely in temporal realities. The majority of the faithful are citizens who need to receive a formation that will enable them to be saints in their daily lives.

universidad PUSC

The annual visit of benefactors of the CARF Foundation to the PUSC in Rome

Every year the foundation organizes a day of meetings and training in Rome, during which benefactors and friends have the opportunity to meet some of the students they support and to chat and have lunch with them. They can also visit the PUSC and participate in some conferences given by teachers or personalities involved in the academic, cultural or communication fields.

The participants carry out a real pilgrimage to Rome The students were able to visit the Sedes Sapientiae International Seminary, the Tiberino Priestly College, the excavations of the Vatican Necropolis, together with some students of the university, and to participate in the Audience and the Angelus with Pope Francis.

During the trip, benefactors can see why the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross is unique among all other Pontifical Universities. In addition to the three main faculties, the PUSC promotes the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences and several research centers. A challenge, difficult in our times, but in which it puts all its efforts so that through formation it also contributes to evangelization and the spread of the message of Christ.

"Thanks to my benefactors at the CARF Foundation. Sometimes it may be normal for a young European to have the opportunity to be trained in such a prestigious university as the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, but I can assure you that it is not so for the people of my country: your help has allowed me to have the opportunity to study in Rome and to share my life and my faith with other young seminarians from all over the world. So, truly, my wish is that God bless you in your daily work and keep in you that wonderful heart".

Mathias Msonganzila, a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Mwanza, Tanzania.


- Interview with Mr. Luis NavarroGerardo Ferrara.
- Interview with Mª Dolores Cuadrado, correspondent of the CARF Foundation in Valladolid.
- Entrevista a don Mariano Fazio con motivo de su libro número 28: “Libertad para amar, a través de los clásicos”, Marta Santín.


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