CARF Foundation

18 September, 23


What is a pilgrimage and what places to visit

A pilgrimage is a journey, individual or collective, to a sacred place - be it a holy place, a shrine or the city where a saint lived - for reasons of devotion, petition or thanksgiving. It is also an occasion for spiritual growth and strengthening of faith. It helps us to see life as a continuous pilgrimage to the Father's House.

Origin of the pilgrimages?

Pilgrimages date back to the first centuries of Christianity. One of the earliest documented records of Christian pilgrimages dates back to the 4th century, when sacred sites were identified in Holy Land associated with the life of Jesus Christ. This led an increasing number of pilgrims to travel to places such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth.

However, one of the most significant events in the history of pilgrimages was the discovery of the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome in the 1st century. Since then the Eternal City has become a favorite destination for pilgrims of all ages and nations.

When did Christian pilgrimages begin?

Over the centuries, important pilgrimage routes began to develop in Europe, such as the Camino de Santiago in Spain. These roads connected sacred places with each other and were traveled by pilgrims from all over the world.

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Pope Francis encouraged people to visit the Marian shrines of Guadalupe, Lourdes and Fatima: "oases of consolation and mercy". General Audience on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 in the Paul VI Hall.

8 Catholic pilgrimage sites

We review below the main pilgrimage sites of the Catholic Church. Holy places since ancient times and some sanctuaries and basilicas dedicated to the Virgin Mary, which attract a multitude of pilgrims.

Every year the CARF Foundation organizes pilgrimages, in collaboration with travel agencies and specialists in religious tourism, with an important participation of benefactors and friends, who share these unique and unforgettable experiences. A different way to get closer to the Lord.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

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At Holy Land Jesus was born, lived and died. Its roads are the pages of the "fifth gospel". It was also the scene of the events of the Old and New Testament. It was a land of battles, such as the Crusades; the object of political and religious disputes.

Among the places you can visit is Jerusalem in Israel, the city where Christ did part of his public life and where he entered in triumph on Palm Sunday. You can also visit the Holy Sepulcher, the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, the Church of the Condemnation and Imposition of the Cross, the Church of the Visitation, the Basilica of the Nativity, and much more.

Pilgrimage to Rome and the Vatican

Rome, the Eternal City, is home to the Vatican City, the heart of the Catholic Church. It features St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, which house masterpieces such as Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes. On the outskirts of Rome are the Catacombs of St. Callixtus, also known as the Crypt of the Popes.

Pilgrimage to Rome offers the opportunity to experience the Catholic Church as a mother. It is an experience that strengthens faith and helps to live in communion with the tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church.

Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela

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In Spain we have one of the most important Catholic pilgrimages in the world, Santiago de Compostela. In the 12th century, thanks to the impulse of Archbishop Diego Gelmirez (1100-1140), the Cathedral of Santiago was consolidated as a destination for millions of Catholic pilgrims. Last Xacobeo 2021-2022 year, 38,134 pilgrims from all over the world walked the route.

There are different routes to make this pilgrimage. The most used of all is the French Way. It is the route par excellence, traditionally used by pilgrims from all over Europe and has the most complete network of services, accommodation and signposting of all.

Marian pilgrimage to the shrine of Medjugorje

Located in Bosnia Herzegovina, the town of Medjugorje is famous for the numerous apparitions of the Virgin Mary from 1981 to the present day. Although the Church has not yet officially recognized these apparitions, Pope Francis authorized in 2019 the organization of official pilgrimages of dioceses and parishes, giving it an official character.  

The Sanctuary surrounded by mountains where the image of the Virgin Mary is located. Our Lady of Medjugorjeis an essential stop for pilgrims in search of solace, healing and a profound faith experience.

Marian pilgrimage to the basilica of the Virgen del Pilar

The Cathedral-Basilica of the Virgin of Pilar is the first Marian temple of Christianity. Tradition has it that in the year 40 of the first century, the Virgin appeared to the apostle Santiago, who was preaching in what is now Zaragoza.

The basilica, with its impressive architecture and atmosphere of recollection, is an ideal space for prayer and meditation. Pilgrims come to this sacred place to pay homage to the Virgin of Pilar, patron saint of Latin America. On October 12, the celebration of the festivity, offerings of flowers and fruits are made. Also on that day takes place the crystal rosary, a parade of 29 crystal floats that are internally illuminated and represent the mysteries of the rosary.

Marian pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Torreciudad

Located in the province of Huesca, Spain, this sanctuary is a place of great Marian devotion and is known in the region for being a natural enclave of great beauty. 

Pilgrims come to pay homage to Our Lady of Torreciudad and experience a conversion of heart, especially through the sacrament of confession. 

This shrine, erected thanks to the impulse of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, attracts faithful from all over the world who seek to strengthen their relationship with the Virgin Mary and grow in their faith. The feast of Our Lady of Torreciudad is celebrated on the Sunday following August 15. Every year, it celebrates the multitudinous Marian Family Day which takes place on a Saturday in September.

Marian pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima (Portugal)

This is one of the most important Marian shrines. Where the Virgin Mary appeared Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 to three little shepherds (Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta).

The sanctuary of Fatima is composed of several chapels and basilicas. The main one is the basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary where the tombs of the three seers are located. The exterior is flanked by a colonnade of about 200 columns. Inside there are 14 altars that also represent the Stations of the Cross.

The climate of prayer at Fatima has left an indelible mark on the faith of generations of Catholics, making this shrine a point of encounter with the divine and a symbol of the intercession of the Virgin Mary in the history of mankind.

Marian pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Lourdes (France)

It is the place of pilgrimage for the sick par excellence. From the grotto of Massabielle, where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette, a spring of pure water gushed forth from which water has never ceased to flow. A miraculous water responsible for countless cures. Visitors also leave thousands and thousands of candles in thanksgiving or for a petition.

On the rock where the grotto is located, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception was erected, inaugurated in 1871. Lourdes is also home to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary.


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