CARF Foundation

17 June, 22

Family day between benefactors and seminarians of Bidasoa

After two years of pandemic, finally the CARF Foundation was able to celebrate its traditional meeting with benefactors and seminarians of the Bidasoa International Seminary (Pamplona). An endearing ceremony, full of fraternal affection, where experiences are crossed, a Eucharist that elevates you to Heaven is lived and the show of the students of Bidasoa is enjoyed. Also, the backpacks of sacred vessels are delivered.


La jornada en familia entre benefactores de la Fundación CARF y seminaristas del Seminario Internacional Bidasoa de Pamplona  siempre termina con un momento muy esperado: las responsables del Patronato de Acción Social (PAS) de CARF entregan las mochilas de vasos sagrados a los 25 seminaristas del último curso que vuelven a sus países de origen, donde se ordenarán, tras el intenso período de formación. En ellas se incluyen todos los elementos litúrgicos necesarios para celebrar la misa en pueblos o aldeas remotas donde apenas tienen lo necesario, incluso un alba hecha a medida para cada uno de los futuros sacerdotes.

Benefactors of the CARF Foundation and seminarians of Bidasoa

The event took place on May 27th. An intense day of emotions in which friends and benefactors of CARF met at Atocha station in Madrid at 7 am and returned at 11 pm.

As soon as they arrived in Pamplona, several seminarians were waiting for the guests to take them in vans to the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra.

There, Mr. Joaquín SedanoDean of Law Dean, explained to those present some of the needs of bishops from all over the world when they send their seminarians and priests to study in Pamplona: "the priests who are trained in Navarra become reference agents of evangelization in their dioceses. You help the bishops in the formation of their priests. There are countries, such as the Ivory Coast, which did not have priests trained in Canon Law and who are studying here. God bless you for the good you do".

With dioceses in 131 countries 

For its part, the General Manager of the CARF Foundation, Luis Alberto RosalesHe also thanked the benefactors for their work. "We work with dioceses in 131 countries. The bishops of the world have chosen the University of Navarra as one of the best faculties in Theology."

Imagen entrega de maletines para slider PAS 4

Carmen Ortega (pictured) and Rosana Díez-Canseco are in charge of CARF's Social Action Board. As a complementary purpose, CARF, through its Board of Trustees, helps seminarians and priests around the world to fully dedicate themselves to their pastoral work, solving problems related to the construction, installation and maintenance of churches and parish facilities, medical dispensaries, provision of ornaments and liturgical objects, school supplies, libraries, care and accompaniment of sick older priests, and their own health care.

One of the activities they are most excited about is obtaining scholarships to donate the cases (now backpacks) of sacred vessels to seminarians graduating both in Pamplona and Rome. In addition, they have a workshop where they sew albs and canvases that they give to each seminarian in the case of sacred vessels that are given to those who return to their countries of origin. Last year 38 albs and liturgical linens were sewn and embroidered.

Human, spiritual and intellectual formation

Bolívar Batalla, rector of the Father Barace Residence, and Jorge Armando Castro gave a pleasant and detailed presentation on the human, spiritual, pastoral and intellectual formation that priests and seminarians receive in the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarra.

Both were seminarists of Bidasoa. After receiving priestly ordination in their home countries, the two have returned to Pamplona to complete their formation.

A diocesan priest

"What does a bishop expect when he sends a priest to the University of Navarra? What we learn fundamentally is to be a true diocesan priest, united to the bishop and to the hierarchy of my diocese.. Thanks to the CARF Foundation, Ecuador, my country, has better prepared priests. God repay them," he commented. D. Boloas he is affectionately called by his colleagues.

In his talk, he fondly confessed that when he left Bidasoa "a brand new priest from Navarre, my bishop sent me to the last town in the diocese so that I could be to muss up a little".

Seventeen couples received the sacrament of matrimony

 Both showed images and videos of some pastoral actions they have carried out in their countries of origin. "The main function of a priest is to be a pastor. In my diocese we have carried out the Mission Family project. Many parents who brought their children to catechesis were not married in the Church. In preparation, 17 couples decided to receive the sacrament of Marriage. We celebrated a very beautiful joint ceremony which we all enjoyed. This is the synodality of which the Pope speaks: all the people of God united," he explains.

Bolivar and Jorge explained that spiritual and academic formation is essential for a priest to accompany people to God, and to be able to explain the doctrine of the Church to the men and women of today and face the challenges of society.


Luis Alberto Rosales, director of CARF, thanked the benefactors for their work. "We work with dioceses in 131 countries. The bishops of the world have chosen the University of Navarra as one of the best faculties in Theology."


A Mass that elevates to Heaven

After this presentation, the group moved to the Bidasoa International Seminary, where the Holy Mass was celebrated, presided over by Mr. Javier Ruza -The fifth year students, who have finished their stay in Bidasoa this year and are returning to their dioceses of origin, were also present.

The Eucharist overwhelmed everyone. The care of the liturgy, accompanied by the magnificent choir that directs Anh Dao QuocThe event, a seminarian from Vietnam, provoked the emotion of all the benefactors and friends of CARF. A few of them could not hold back their tears.

Delivery of the backpack of sacred vessels

After the Eucharist, it was time for lunch and the showThe seminarians shared their artistic skills: Mexican songs, a Filipino rock and a letter of thanks to the people of the Patronato de Acción Social.

At the end of the event, the PAS managers presented the backpack of sacred vessels CARF Foundation to the 25 seminarians who have completed their formation process.

Before leaving Bidasoa, a moment of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament that presided over the celebration in a monumental monstrance. D. Emilio Forte, spiritual director, explained the magnificent gift that some benefactors of CARF had given to the Seminary, after many years of effort.

The day concluded with a visit and the recitation of the Rosary at the wayside shrine of the Mother of Fair Love, located at one of the entrances to the campus of the University of Navarra.

Here you have ehe video of the meeting.

25 seminarians graduated 

These are the names of 25 graduating seminarians:

Airan Osmar Cortés Silva
Amador Gómez Honrubia
Anh Dao Quoc
Axel Giomar Rodríguez Flores
Erick Fernando Alvarado Funes
Erick Josué Villegas Correa
Francis Godlove Kaihuzi
Héctor Leonel González Chuscoff
Hernando José Bello Rodríguez
Hung Nguyen Van
Jesús Eduardo Huerta Gaytán
Jesús Jaime Meleán Bravo
José Feliciano Salas González

Juan Armando Méndez Sosa
Julio César Morillo Leal
Kenneth Orom
Lawrence Kawagga
Luis Alfonso Irene Briones
Mon Carmelo Fidel Marcaida
Omar Andrés Blandón Marín
Oscar Rafael Tineo Castillo
Otto Fernando Arana Mont
Paul Rijo
Rafael de Almeida Brazil
Ygor Gomes Dos Santos

Marta Santín, Journalist specializing in religious information


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