Learn about the history and the path followed by our foundation.

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History CARF Foundation

A February 14, 1989 the road to the CARF Foundation. Today we can say that, at the request of more than a thousand bishops from five continents, we help form priests and seminarians from all over the world. More than 400 religious orders have also benefited.

Our recognition, prayers and thanks go to all the benefactors and collaborators who, directly or indirectly, make it possible every day.
Fundación CARF_logo_negro

Centro Académico Romano Foundation was established on February 14, 1989

The first Board of Trustees established in the deed of incorporation was: Mr. José María Arana Aizpuru as president; Mr. José Alonso Tejada, Ms. Adoración Anderica Díez and Mr. Gregorio Paunero Martí as trustees; Mr. Fernando Sotelo Losada as secretary; Mr. Vicente Picó Amador as director.

The first address was at C/ Manuel González Longoria, 7. In June 1989 it moved to C/ Conde de Peñalver, 9 and in January 1991 to C/ Juan Bravo, 48.

On June 19, 1989, Mr. Ramón Herrando y Prat de la Riva was appointed Trustee.

In 1991, the International Seminary Sedes Sapientiae was established in Rome at the request of the Holy See, in the former Conservatory of St. Paschal Baylon in Trastevere, where 85 seminarians reside.

In December 2000, Mr. Vicente Picó was appointed trustee and secretary of the board of trustees, and Mr. Carlos Velaz Alzuet became general director.

In September 2002, Mr. Carlos Velaz passed away. He was succeeded in December of the same year by Mr. Francisco de Paula García Pérez. The Board of Trustees became: Mr. José María Arana Aizpurua as president; Ms. Adoración Anderica Díez, Mr. Gregorio Paunero Martín, Mr. Fernando Sotelo Losada, Mr. Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo Bandeira, Mr. Ramón Acín Aguado and Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña as trustees; Mr. Vicente Picó Amador as secretary.

In April 2003, the Tiberino Priestly College was inaugurated in Rome, exclusively for priests being trained at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

In October 2004, Mrs. Araceli Cañellas Rosell, Mrs. María Consuelo Mesa Casado, Mr. Pedro Pasquín Echánove were appointed as trustees and Mr. Constantino Zamorano de la Mata became secretary.

In June 2005, the resignation as president of Mr. José María Arana was accepted and he became honorary president. Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña, trustee since 2002, becomes president. The board of trustees is now as follows: Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña as president; Ms. Adoración Anderica Díez, Mr. Gregorio Paunero Martín, Mr. Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo Bandeira, Mr. Vicente Picó Amador, Ms. Araceli Cañellas Rosell, Ms. María Consuelo Mesa Casado, and Mr. Pedro Pasquín Echánove as trustees; Mr. Constantino Zamorano de la Mata as secretary.

In May 2007, Mr. Jesús María Martínez Rojo was appointed as Trustee. The Board of Trustees became: Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña as President; Ms. Adoración Anderica Díez, Mr. Gregorio Paunero Martín, Mr. Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo Bandeira, Mr. Vicente Picó Amador, Ms. Araceli Cañellas Rosell, Ms. María Consuelo Mesa Casado, Mr. Pedro Pasquín Echánove and Mr. Jesús María Martínez Rojo as Trustees; Mr. Constantino Zamorano de la Mata as Secretary.

In October 2008, Mr. José María Arana Aizpurua, president of CARF from the beginning until 2005, when he became honorary president, passed away.

In 2009, Mrs. Araceli Cañellas Rosell, trustee of the Foundation, passed away.

In October 2009, Ms. Blanca Rodríguez Díaz and Mr. David Gómez García were appointed Trustees. The Board of Trustees became: Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña as president; Ms. Adoración Anderica Díez, Mr. Gregorio Paunero Martín, Mr. Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo Bandeira, Mr. Vicente Picó Amador, Ms. María Consuelo Mesa Casado, Mr. Jesús María Martínez Rojo, Ms. Blanca Rodríguez Díaz and Mr. David Gómez García as trustees; Mr. Constantino Zamorano de la Mata as secretary.

In June 2011, Ms. Adoración Anderica Díez, Mr. Gregorio Paunero Martín, Mr. Vicente Picó Amador and Mr. Jesús María Martínez Rojo ceased as trustees. The following are appointed as new trustees: Mr. José Luis Elías Rodríguez, Ms. Margarita García Pinilla, Mr. Pablo Paunero Quijada and Mr. Amador Sosa Lora. The Board of Trustees is as follows: Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña as Chairman; Mr. Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo Bandeira, Ms. María Consuelo Mesa Casado, Ms. Blanca Rodríguez Díaz, Mr. David Gómez García, Mr. José Luis Elías Rodríguez, Ms. Margarita García Pinilla, Mr. Pablo Paunero Quijada and Mr. Amador Sosa Lora as trustees; Mr. Constantino Zamorano de la Mata as Secretary.

In June 2012, Mr. Francisco de Paula García Pérez ceased as director and Mr. Luis Alberto Rosales Araque was appointed.

In October 2012, the Altomonte Priestly College was inaugurated in Rome, where 70 priests who are being trained at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross reside.

In September 2013, Mr. Alejandro Cantero Fariña ceased as president, remaining as a trustee and being replaced by Mr. José Enrique Fuster Camps.

In November 2013, Mr. Vicente Picó Amador, first director of the Foundation and subsequent trustee, passed away.

February 2014 marks 25 years since the inception of the CARF Foundation.

In 2015, more than 1,500 seminarians were trained in the Bidasoa and Sedes Sapientiae International Seminars.

In 2019, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the CARF Foundation, the headquarters will move from calle Juan Bravo, 48 to calle Conde de Peñalver, 45.

In 2022, Mr. Enrique Fuster Camps ceases as President and Mr. Fernando Martí Scharfhausen is appointed. Mr. Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo Bandeira and Ms. Blanca Rodríguez Díaz leave the Board of Trustees. Mr. Andrés Hernando Aboin and Ms. Marian Pampillón Olmedo joined the Board of Trustees.

The year 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the birth of the CARF Foundation and the launch of its new corporate identity.