CARF Foundation

8 August, 23

congregaciones católicas

Why does the CARF Foundation support the formation of Catholic congregations?

Catholic religious congregations have historically played a vital role in the Church and in society. Moved by their own charism, they give true witness to the radicality of the Gospel in their lives and apostolic action through various works of charity, education, health care, missions and many other forms of service.

The CARF Foundation in its mission of service to the Church, is committed not only to facilitating access to formation for priests and future priests from all over the world, but also for members of various Catholic congregations of men and women religious.

In the Church there are different Catholic denominations and congregations.

Each religious congregation has its own mission and specific activities according to its charism. They dedicate their time to fields as diverse as education, health or social assistance to the most needy, or simply, through contemplation, to being the spiritual lungs of modern life. Their services are fundamental to our society and their work in these fields is highly appreciated and valued.

The CARF Foundation, in addition to assisting in the formation of seminarians and diocesan priests from all over the world, also grants scholarships to religious men and women belonging to the various Catholic congregations so that they may have access to a solid and adequate formation for the realization of their mission as pastoral agents.

Why is it important for Catholic congregations to have well-formed members?

Members of Catholic congregations are important bearers and transmitters of the faith. A solid formation enables them to fully understand and live the fundamentals of the Gospel and the doctrine of the Church.

Many of these religious orders are dedicated to education and are at the service of society. An integral formation enables them to respond to the needs of others more effectively and in keeping with their mission. Moreover, in an increasingly globalized world, it is essential that members of Catholic congregations be well trained both for institutional communication and for interreligious and ecumenical dialogue.

Some Catholic congregations that apply for grants from the CARF Foundation

The CARF Foundation supports the training of young people who belong to the Miles Christi Institute. 

The Miles Christi Institute is an association of apostolic life of pontifical right of the Catholic Church. It was founded in Argentina in 1994 and is present in several countries. The Miles Christi Institute is composed of priests and consecrated lay people who follow a form of apostolic life centered on evangelization, spiritual formation and the preaching of retreats and spiritual exercises.

Agustín Seguí is a young Argentinean religious of 29 years of age who, thanks to a scholarship from the CARF Foundation, is studying for a Bachelor's Degree in Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (PUSC) in Rome. His brother, Mariano, is also a religious of the same congregation and will join the PUSC next year. 

CARF Foundation supports the formation of Franciscan priests

Franciscan priests, belonging to the Order of Friars Minor, also known as Franciscan Friars, one of the most important religious congregations, share the distinctive characteristics of Franciscan spirituality founded by St. Francis of Assisi; they embrace evangelical poverty as a way of imitating Christ, living a simple life stripped of material goods and are committed to living in fraternal community. 

Father MarwanAfter serving as pastor at the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, he was ordained a Franciscan priest. He studied at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, thanks to the CARF Foundation.

The CARF Foundation supports the formation of priests of the Priestly Fraternity of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo.

The Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo, also known as the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo, also known as the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo. Missionaries of Communion and LiberationLuigi Giussan, an Italian priest. The main objective of this movement is to promote a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and the profound experience of the Catholic faith in daily life.

"I cannot fail to thank those who, with prayers and material help - such as my benefactors at the CARF Foundation - have helped me in my work.-I was able to study at this great university where I met many new friends from all over the world, and I was able to study in depth with excellent professors in so many disciplines that will help me in my mission as a priest of the Lord.

Filippo Pellini is 32 years old, belongs to the Priestly Fraternity of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo and has received a scholarship from the CARF Foundation to complete his theology studies at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. 

The CARF Foundation supports the formation of priests of the Congregation of the Precious Blood. 

The Missionaries of the Precious Blood, founded by St. Gaspar del Bufalo in 1815 in Italy, are dedicated to preaching the Gospel and serving the redemption of the world through devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross. Their charism focuses on reconciliation, redemption and spiritual renewal. They seek to bring God's love and mercy to all corners of the world and to all people.

The congregation is composed of priests and religious brothers who live in fraternal communities and profess the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. 

Francesco Albertini is a young seminarian of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood and the first of his congregation to study at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, thanks to a scholarship from the CARF Foundation.


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