CARF Foundation

17 September, 24

beato Álvaro del Portillo

Blessed Álvaro del Portillo: continuing his legacy

September is a special month for Opus Dei and the Church, as we commemorate two important milestones in the life of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo: his succession as Prelate of Opus Dei on September 15, 1975, and his beatification on September 27, 2014. At the CARF Foundation, we celebrate his legacy of service to God and his dedication to the formation of priests, a mission that continues to live on. Learn how you can be part of this work and contribute to the formation of future priests around the world.

On September 15, we commemorated the day on which Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, successor of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, assumed the office of prelate of Opus Dei in 1975. Two weeks later, on September 27, we celebrated his beatification in 2014, an official recognition of his holy life and tireless work for the Church. At the CARF Foundation we honor his legacy, want to understand his impact and offer an opportunity to support the formation of future priests.

Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, a man of faith and service

The Blessed Álvaro del Portillo was born in Madrid on March 11, 1914. Although he began his career as an engineer, his true vocation was to serve God. In 1944, he followed this call and was ordained a priest. Throughout his life, he maintained a close relationship with St. Josemaría Escrivá, whom he not only assisted as a close collaborator, but also as a faithful friend.

After the death of St. Josemaría in 1975, Don Álvaro was unanimously elected as his successor, assuming the responsibility of guiding Opus Dei into a new stage of growth and consolidation. On September 15 of that same year, he became the first successor of the founder of the Work, standing out for his humility and unwavering dedication.

Don Alvaro was known for his profound dedication to others. Far from seeking the limelight, his main desire was to serve with humility, guiding those around him towards a life closer to God. Pope Francis described him as a man who "loved and served the Church with a heart stripped of worldly interest." His focus was always on helping others to discover and fully live their vocation.

beato Álvaro del Portillo

His legacy of service lives on today, especially in the work of the CARF Foundation. The values that Blessed Álvaro del Portillo promoted are the pillars that guide the CARF Foundation in its mission and support for the formation of priests. For Don Alvaro, the education of future priests was not only an academic question, but also a human, spiritual and pastoral one. He believed that priests should be well prepared in all aspects, so that they could be close shepherds, capable of guiding their brothers with humility and simplicity.

Today, the CARF Foundation continues this mission by providing the resources necessary for seminarians and diocesan priests from around the world to receive a comprehensive formation at prestigious universities in the following areas Rome y Pamplona. In doing so, the foundation is not only promoting the education of future priests, but is perpetuating Blessed Alvaro's commitment to the universal Church. The priests trained, with the support of the benefactors of the CARF Foundation, are prepared to work with love and dedication in dioceses around the world, as Blessed Alvaro would have wanted.

The Succession of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo

The election of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo as the successor of St. Josemaría Escrivá was a milestone full of spiritual significance. Over the years, Blessed Alvaro had worked side by side with St. Josemaría, sharing his vision and dedication to Opus Dei and the Church, which naturally prepared him to take over. However, when he received the news of his election on September 15, 1975, Blessed Álvaro was not able to take over. Blessed Álvaro del Portillo He did so with deep humility and a great sense of responsibility.

In lieu of celebrations, he asked for prayers from all the members of Opus Dei, expressing his willingness to serve by saying: "Before the tomb of our beloved Founder, all of us, Holy Father, renew our firm resolution to be faithful to his spirit and also offer our lives for the Church and for the Pope. These words reflect his character, always ready to serve the Church and the Pope.

For Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, it was essential that each person encounter God in the simplest and most ordinary aspects of his or her existence. During his lifetime, he promoted this message and strengthened the presence of Opus Dei in new countries, helping thousands of people to grow humanly and spiritually. It fell to him to consolidate the juridical path of the Work, as seen by its founder.

His ability to lead from humility and service made him a close and respected pastor, whose decisions were always oriented to the spiritual good of all who approached him. This approach, which guided his every decision, made him not only a true shepherd bishop, loved and respected by all those who knew him.

The beatification of Don Alvaro

The September 27, 2014 was a historic day not only for Opus Dei, but for the whole Church. In an emotional ceremony held in Valdebebas, Madrid, Alvaro del Portillo was beatified, officially recognized as a saint. The beatification was possible thanks to a miracle attributed to his intercession: the surprising recovery of a Chilean child, José Ignacio Uretawho, after suffering a cardiac arrest of more than 30 minutes, inexplicably recovered without sequelae. This fact, which was exhaustively investigated by the Church, became a clear sign of Blessed Alvaro's closeness and his continuous care from heaven.

The beatification ceremony was presided over by Cardinal Angelo Amato, representing Pope Francis, who underscored the crucial role of Blessed Alvaro as a model of "unwavering fidelity to the Church and her mission." Hundreds of thousands of faithful attended the event, many of them deeply moved by the recognition of the life and work of one who always lived with exemplary humility.

For many, the beatification of Don Álvaro was the celebration of a man who, through his simplicity, closeness and spirit of service, had touched countless lives. Throughout his life, Blessed Álvaro del Portillo not only helped to expand the Work, but also inspired many to live their faith joyfully, with their eyes fixed on God in their daily lives. This spirit of dedication, which characterized him so much, is still alive today in those who seek to follow his example and continue his mission of serving the Church with generosity and love.


The impact of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo on priestly formation

One of the most significant legacies left by Blessed Alvaro del Portillo was his firm commitment to the formation of priests. For him, priests should not only be good spiritual guides, but also people capable of accompanying everyone with closeness and humility. This human and spiritual approach remains key to the mission of Opus Dei and the CARF Foundation, which today strives to continue this work in 131 countries and more than 1,100 dioceses.

From the CARF Foundation, we give our benefactors the opportunity to participate in this important mission: to support the formation of the priests of today and tomorrow. The education that seminarians and diocesan priests receive not only prepares them academically, but also pastorally, so that they can be at the service of God and others. By supporting the missionYou are not only contributing with a donation, you are investing in the future of the Church.

Blessed Alvaro del Portillo is a model of total dedication to God and to the Church, and his life continues to inspire tens of thousands of people in many countries and projects, including the CARF Foundation with its work of helping in the formation of priests.


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