CARF Foundation

30 September, 20

Nieves, benefactress: "It is important to invest in the formation of priests".

Nieves is a CARF benefactor who has covered all the formation and study expenses of Tanzanian seminarian Deogratias Method Nyamwihula, who was ordained a priest on July 18 in her country. She writes of her experience to encourage many others to contribute a scholarship to vocations around the world: "The priest is necessary in our lives," she says. 

"It is more important than ever to invest in the formation of priests." 

"The idea of contributing financially to the formation of a priest came to me after my father's death. Perpetuating his legacy by using part of what I received in inheritance for something good for others seemed to me to be an excellent option. And I am sure that my father, from heaven, will also like this. As a tribute to him, it is called the "José Soria Scholarship".

Investing in the formation of priests in these times is, if possible, more important than ever. The world needs God. It needs to know of God's infinite love for every man. Men need good advice that will lead them to Him.

Wise and holy priests 

Necesitan ser perdonados por Él cuando dan pasos equivocados en la vida. Y para ello son imprescindibles buenos sacerdotes, aquellos que son sabios y santos. Poder poner mi granito de arena apoyando con una beca la formación de un sacerdote que careciera de medios económicos para ello, fue lo que me animó a hacer la donación.

I got to know the work of CARF through my friendship with people of Opus Dei and, although I do not belong to this personal Prelature of the Church, I know first hand the very good theological and spiritual formation they provide.


"The world needs God. That is why investing in the formation of priests in these times is, if anything, more important than ever."

Deogratias Method Nyamwihula.

Deogratias Method Nyamwihula belongs to the diocese of Mwanza in Tanzania. He arrived in Rome in 2015 and has played for Sedes Sapientiae, a seminarian soccer team among the most formidable in the Clericus Cup. The Clericus Cup is the World Cup for priests and seminarians. "I have always played soccer in my country. Without shoes, on very hard ground. I had so many friends because of soccer. A match is like calling a friend for lunch," he says. 

"I have considered him a son from the very first moment." 

Cuando me puse en contacto con el CARF me hablaron de Deogratias de Tanzania, que ha estudiado en la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, en Roma. Me pareció una excelente oportunidad poder contribuir a su formación pues así, la gran labor espiritual que no me cabe duda hará, se quedaría en un continente tan necesitado como es África. Aunque tardé un tiempo en conocerle personalmente le he considerado como un hijo desde el primer momento y rezo cada día para que sea un buen sacerdote.

I would like to encourage all readers who have the financial means to make donations (personally or through your company) to train people with priestly vocation from countries with scarce economic resources. The good that a good priest does is like the stone dropped into the lake whose ripple spreads and reaches far and wide. God does not allow himself to be outdone in generosity, so there is no doubt that we come out ahead. 

"God does not allow himself to be outdone in generosity so, no doubt, we come out ahead." 

Deogratias Method Nyamwihula. Roma

Deogratias Method Nyamwihula was born on July 4, 1990 and belongs to the diocese of Mwanza in Tanzania. He studied at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome in order to be able to serve pastorally in his diocese and help in the evangelization of Tanzania. He is the third of six brothers.

The call of God's love 

Deogratias Method Nyamwihula belongs to the diocese of Mwanza in Tanzania. He is trained at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome in order to be able to serve pastorally in his diocese and help in the evangelization of Tanzania.

Deogratias grew up in a very Christian family. His first name "predestined him to the priesthood," he says. Another of his brothers is named Melchior. 

"As I got older, it became a love story and I had this priestly vocation. When I was 17, I felt the call of God's love for the priesthood and began to prepare myself to understand what God wanted for my life," he explains.

About soccer, another of his great passions, he says: "The goal is not to win, but to create friendships. And if we are all, it is by faith. That is the victory: to win in Christian virtues." 




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