CARF Foundation

14 May, 23

My story as a missionary and future social communicator

Maria Rocio is a missionary from Peru who belongs to the Congregation of Jesus the Word and Victim. She is studying in Rome to become a social communicator.

I am Mother Maria Rocio (Maria del Valle Roco), a perpetually professed religious from Peru of the Congregation of Pontifical Right of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus the Word and Victim. I have been serving God as a missionary for 14 years. I am studying Social and Institutional Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome thanks to the help of the benefactors of CARF. I am grateful for the campaign of this Foundation "Let no vocation be lost".. There is a need for trained women social communicators. 

I was born in Córdoba (Argentina). Until I was 16 years old I was a girl like many others, without any interest in the things of God or in the things of religion. Like many others, I remembered Him only when I had problems or difficulties. But I had the grace of having very religious parents who taught me respect, sacrifice and above all who God is.

Due to different life circumstances, we had to move to another place, where I began to attend a school where some of the boys also studied at the minor seminary.  I was very impressed to see young people my age giving their lives to God, especially one of my colleagues who is now a priest.

Where to serve the Lord?

This made me wonder about what I should do in my life, and I realized that I wanted to follow the same path. A retreat ratified my decision. But where to go? where to serve the Lord? One thing was clear to me: I wanted to help poor people.

I visited three congregations and got to know the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim, thanks to a friend. I went to have an experience, where I heard a phrase that impressed me very much from our founding father: "I don't offer them a comfortable life but a happy, happy, happy life.". I had no more doubts, I wanted to serve the Lord here. Once I finished high school, the day I entered the convent, As I passed through the door of the cloister, I said to the Lord: "Forever", and for my perseverance I pray to the Lord every day.

Our Founder is Bishop Federico Kaiser. He arrived in Peru in 1939, and in 1957 he was appointed Ordinary of the new Prelature of Caravelí. He founded the Congregation when he saw the vast territory to be served and the shortage of priests.

Working in abandoned sites

I am now a member of the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victimwhich has as its charisma to work in abandoned, remote and poor places that lack resident priests. We go to these places and share the abandonment with our people, accompanying them spiritually.

We prepare them by means of a adequate catechesisThe priests visit them once or twice a year so that they can approach the sacraments well-prepared. Because they live in areas of difficult access, where it is impossible to participate in the Holy Mass every day, we celebrate a paraliturgy to explain the gospel and administer the sacrament of the Eucharist to the faithful who have been able to go to confession.

"We have permission from the Holy See to administer the sacrament of Baptism, attend marriages or conduct burials."

Mother María Rocío (María del Valle Roco) belongs to the Congregation of Pontifical Right of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim. Her charism is to work in abandoned, remote and poor places that lack resident priests.

Baptism, marriage and catechesis

Because of our formation and vocation, we have permission from the Holy See to administer the sacrament of Baptism and to assist at marriages, help our parishioners to die well. We also direct burials, teach them the religious truths and help them, according to our possibilities, in their temporal needs.

After having gone through the entire training stage, where we our studies cover a period of 6 or 7 years, I was ready to go to the missions. My first mission center was "La Candelaria", in Santiago del Estero, one of the poorest areas of Argentina.

In order to reach our villages, we nuns use all available means of transportation. For this reason, apart from arriving on foot or by van, we go by horse, sulcki, bicycle, etc.

One of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had is that of pedaling 20 or 25 kilometers, on these sandy roads and silently of Santiago carrying the Blessed Sacrament. Nature is felt in all its expression and we can meditate on the goodness and mercy of the Lord who sometimes uses instruments as unworthy as us to bring the Good News of Salvation.

"The `madrecitas' come to visit us".

When we arrive in our communities, the people are waiting for us for catechesis, the celebration of the Word and recreation. When we go, for them is a party because "las madrecitas", as they call us, are going to visit them.

I worked there for three years and was later transferred to a mission center in Peru. I went from working in the Argentinean plains with a temperature of more than 50 °C, to an altitude of 3,500 to 5,000 meters above sea level, with the characteristic cold of the Peruvian highlands.

Realities very different from each other, but for me always very beautiful, because I love the missionary life. Walking through these inhospitable places, where there are also souls that hunger for GodI would not compare this experience to anything else, despite the cold, the distance and the difficulties.

As the Pope FrancisTo be shepherds with the smell of sheep", I believe that we fulfill it, because we as missionaries, we go to very difficult places geographicallyBut not impossible, because we know that the Lord is always with us.

Transmitting the great truths of the Faith

Our Founder always told us that, in order to teach our simple people, we must know a lot, very much, because we must transmit the great truths of the Faith in a way that is accessible and understandable to all.

For this reason, apart from the studies proper to our preparation, some of us have the grace and opportunity to be trained here in Rome, the heart of Christianity, in order to then become teachers of our sisters. 

Because of the prestige and quality teaching that has the Pontifical University of the Holy CrossMany of us have been formed here, where we receive not only intellectual preparation, but also many important elements for our religious formation: places to pray, celebration of the Holy Mass and the help and understanding of each of the professors who teach the courses.

"Some of us have the grace and opportunity to be formed in Rome, the heart of Christianity, and then become teachers of our sisters."

Senza titolo2

The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus the Word and Victim prepares the faithful who live in abandoned places by means of an adequate catechesis, so that a priest visits them once or twice a year and they can approach the sacraments well prepared. Since they live in areas of difficult access, where it is impossible to attend Mass every day, they celebrate a paraliturgy in which they explain the Gospel and administer the sacrament of the Eucharist to the faithful who have been able to go to confession.

Family atmosphere

What impresses me most is the family atmosphere at the University of the Holy Cross, despite the fact that the students come from so many different nations. Each one is important, and each professor gives of his time to clarify all our doubts and solve our difficulties.

I am studying for a degree in Social and Institutional Communication.The social networks are also a place that needs to be evangelized, and it needs God. I will also be able, one day, to help my Congregation in the transmission of its mission and pastoral work within the Church.

Holy Mother Church, whom our Founder taught us to love with an endearing affection and fidelity, is so universal, so maternal and ever-present that she seeks to be present in every corner of the planet.

Missionary and communicator vocation

The Church is so rich in charisms that we religious, as the mystical body of Christ that we are, can help in the evangelization and transmission of the faith, each one in her own way, be it through prayer, mission, spiritual accompaniment, helping those most in need, etc.

We do not seek applause or the admiration of people or the world, but we do everything for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls, thus satisfying all our desires, where we try to do in the best possible way what is the Will of God. I am happy to have been chosen by God to help the most needy, and by my missionary vocation to bring God closer to so many souls in need of Him.

Congregación de Misioneras de Jesús Verbo y Víctima.

Congregation of Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim.

Women in the Church

The woman in the Church, also as a laywoman, has a fundamental role, because as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter and above all as a woman, she has a fundamental role to play. important mission of being the heart and soul of the family, She gives courage, strength, encouragement and joy, and this is of inestimable value.

The important thing is to understand that her vocation must tend towards holiness of life because it is there that her mission will bear even more fruit. This must be the true vindication of the woman: to be a saint.

Infinitely grateful for the support of all those who make it possible for us, religious women, to also be able to We are not able to access our intellectual formation and then overflow it in our missionary life. Since we are religious of modest means and work among the poor, it costs us many sacrifices. PBut we know that it is worth it, because we form ourselves in order to form later. Keeping you always in my prayers.

Misionera de la Congregación de Jesús Verbo y Víctima.

Missionary of the Congregation of Jesus the Word and Victim.

Gerardo Ferrara
BA in History and Political Science, specializing in the Middle East.
Responsible for students at the University of the Holy Cross in Rome.


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