CARF Foundation

12 September, 22

Lungelo, from South Africa: "In my country there are many conversions".

Lungelo Halalisani Gabriel is a seminarian from the Diocese of Eshowe in the Republic of South Africa. He is 28 years old and is studying theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona. Of Zulu origin, his family was not religious, but his parents gave him the best education in Catholic centers. She tells us about her vocation.

Lungelo seminarian from South Africa

Lungelo Halalisani Gabriel Sikhakhane is a seminarian from South Africa, from the Diocese of Eshowe. He is 28 years old and is studying theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona. Of Zulu origin, his family was not religious, but his parents gave him the best education in Catholic centers. He tells us about his vocation.

"I am the third of four siblings and my parents raised us in Christian values. Although my family had few resources, my parents made an effort to form us in a good and holistic way. I have received a lot of help from missionaries and religious and their example of life grew within me to such an extent that I considered opting for the priestly life."

A Benedictine priest 

"The example of a Benedictine priest whose name was Father Ruprecht Wolf, and the care he took in all things of God, led me to want to give my life and serve the Lord in his Church. So I converted and was baptized with the name Gabriel.

In my youth, I was involved in the life of the Church, being for some years leader of the youth group, and also helping the priests in communities in the peripheries of my parish".

Lungelo, seminarista de Sudáfrica.

Lungelo, a seminarian from South Africa, converted as a teenager and was baptized with the name Gabriel. The example of a Benedictine priest helped him to draw closer to God and to decide to give himself to Him as a seminarian. This summer he has been helping in pastoral work in different parishes in Madrid. In the photo, in front of the Palacio de Oriente near the Almudena Cathedral. "I want to train myself very well so that I can then serve my country, where there is a great need to train the faithful well in Christian life," he says.

In Bidasoa, a family

"I came to the International Seminar Bidasoa two years ago, thanks to the confidence of my bishop and thanks to the help of the scholarship that I receive for my studies through the benefactors to whom I am very grateful. For all this, I am very happy and joyful. Studying and training outside my country is something I would never have dreamed of.

Bidasoa is more than a Seminary, it is really a family. I am impressed by the commitment to take care of the Liturgy, the life of piety, study and human growth. Thanks to the formation I receive in Bidasoa, my love for my priestly vocation increases, and I pray to the Lord that I will be a holy priest someday.

Since I entered the seminary, my formation process has marked my way of thinking and seeing life. I have opened my eyes to the faith, love and mercy that a priest and a Catholic should naturally transmit".

"What is expected of a priest in the 21st century is someone who is absolutely devoted and in love with God and who in doing so will lead others to Him," says Lungelo, a seminarian from South Africa.

Priests of the 21st century

"What is expected of a 21st century priest. is someone who is absolutely devoted and in love with God and who, in doing so, leads others to Him. Holiness is expected in his life and that it be coherent and authentic.

I want to train myself very well in order to be able to serve my country, where there is a great need to give a good formation to the faithful in terms of Christian life, the doctrine of the Church and to enable them to take initiatives within the parameters expected of them".

The Church in South Africa 

"The shortage of priests also hinders the sacramental life of many of the faithful who live on the peripheries of the parishes in my country. But even so, the Church continues to grow and there are many conversions.

I would like to thank all the benefactors CARF's support for my formation and that of others, which will help me to help my diocese and carry out the evangelical mission for which good and holy priests are entrusted. Every day I strive and work hard to make the most of this formation experience".

In this video, gives an interview to the Youtube channel Mater Mundi.

Marta Santín

Journalist specializing in religious information.


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