CARF Foundation

9 September, 23

Our Lady of Medjugorje changes hearts

For so many years we have heard that people change when they visit Our Lady of Medjugorje. That real miracles of conversion take place. That Our Lady touches your heart in a special way. So I had to go on pilgrimage to Medjugorje, and not only for a professional reason, but also for a personal one.

I must admit that I didn't have high expectations. I believe in miracles, although I am not excessively miraculous. I believe rather in the Grace that God gives through the sacraments and habitual prayer in the ordinary life of each one of us.

And yet, Medjugorje changes you. It does change you. I have experienced Our Lady's embrace in an absolutely special way in my life. The "Gospa" heals wounds. The peace I felt was indescribable. It makes me blush to tell my testimony, but I can't help but do it. It is said that it is Our Lady of Medjugorje who invites you on pilgrimage to this spiritual corner of the earth. And I felt called.

Ingredients for a successful pilgrimage to Medjugorje

I went on pilgrimage to this city of Bosnia Herzegovina in July. A heterogeneous group, with an exceptional atmosphere of fraternity, led by José Luis López de San Román who organized by more than 30 years ago pilgrimages to the Bosnian city.

Some organized pilgrimages from Spain combine spiritual activities and religious events in the parish of Medjugorje with some tourism. Jose Luis does not. If one wants to visit Mostar or some other city, one must do it on one's own.

I believe that there are two fundamental ingredients for a successful pilgrimage: the good atmosphere of the group and the guide who explains the apparitions, Our Lady of Medjugorje: messages, the apostolate and the social works around Medjugorje. And I have enjoyed a wonderful group and an exceptional guide.

By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to say that the CARF pilgrimages are usually very successful because of the two ingredients I am referring to.

apariciones en medjugorje. la virgen de medjugorje

Cross on the Krizevac mountain.

Visiting Our Lady of Medjugorje together with the influencer Mar Torres

In the group there were families, married couples and many women traveling with friends. Single, married, widowed and separated. Two families especially caught my attention: a young couple with their three children between 18 and 10 years old and an older, very elegant lady traveling with her daughter, four grandchildren and several friends. One of her granddaughters was the 23-year-old influencer Mar Torres.

Mar Torres experienced a conversion in Medjugorje last April. Her grandmother is the one who has pulled her whole family to visit Our Lady in this special place, where the Gospa speaks to you in a unique way. Now Mar talks about her encounter with the Lord and the Virgin to all her friends and on social networks.

40th anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje

Medjugorje is now celebrating the 40th anniversary of the apparitions, a special date that will be highlighted in the 32nd Youth Festival which will be held from August 1 to 6. Cardinal Robert Sarah has confirmed his presence at the festival.

Since June 24, 1981, when Our Lady of Medjugorje appeared to six visionaries in this small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, many pilgrims have experienced "heaven on earth".

Maja, our group guide, recalled that the visionaries asked the Gospa why she made her apparitions in Medjugorje: "For I have seen much faith in this town."said the Virgin.

He also recalled that the Catholic people of his country have gone through many trials and persecutions: first by the Ottoman Empire that wanted to impose Islam, destroying many churches. Years later, the communist regime of the former Yugoslavia, authorities who forbade children to go to the mountains to see Our Lady.

Cruz Azul donde se apareció la Virgen por primera vez en el monte Podbrdo. virgen de medjugorje

Blue Cross where Our Lady appeared for the first time on Mount Podbrdo.

Confession in Medjugorje

Maja explains in perfect Spanish that the important thing about the pilgrimage is not what one sees, but the conversion of hearts. “Yo os diría a todos que no abandonarais Medjugorje sin recibir la Confesión”said this young woman, pregnant with her first child, on the first day.

During the week of my pilgrimage, from Monday to Saturday, every evening I participated in the religious events organized by the parish of Medjugorje. Two rosaries, Eucharist and adoration: before the Blessed Sacrament, prayer for healing or veneration of the Cross. The large esplanade next to the parish is to feel heaven on earth.

I transcribe some words that the priest said during the Healing Prayer:

"Lord, may we not believe in fear, but may we trust totally in You, Lord. May the future not distress us. Grant me love for those who have hurt me so that you may heal my wounds. Grant me the gift of inner freedom, free our hearts. Make me see all that you give me. I ask you to give me the grace to accept the Cross, to embrace the Cross, but free us from what oppresses us and grant me peace.

Padre Petar Ljubicic - apariciones en medjugorje. la virgen de medjugorje

Father Petar Ljubicic.

Mount of Apparitions and Social Work

On the Apparition Hill, the presence of Our Lady of Medjugorje is felt in a unique way. The first mountain is called Podbrdo because it is located in the village of Podbrdo in Bijakovici, where the visionaries saw Our Lady for the first time. And the most kilometers long mountain, difficult to climb, called Krizevac. In 1934, the inhabitants of the village of Medjugorje, in memory of the 1900th anniversary of the death of Jesus, erected a concrete cross eight meters high. Nowadays, pilgrims express their devotion to the Way of the Cross by walking from station to station.

En esta peregrinación también se visitan labores de apostolado y de acción social. Como los que hace Giuseppe Vignati con la comunidad Casa di María.

Thus, we visited the Patrick and Nancy's castleThe couple, who had been completely distanced from God for many years, experienced an authentic conversion in Medjugorje.

"I call you to conversion for the last time. This message had an incredible impact on me. I had lived in mortal sin all my life. I believed in the messages. I went on pilgrimage to Medjugorje and went to confession to a priest who changed my life. That is why this castle is the house of prayer and rest for priests."Patrick recounted. Twenty-seven years ago they left their home country (United States) and went to Medjugorje.

Virgen de Tihaljina - apariciones en medjugorje. la virgen de medjugorje

Virgin of Tihaljina.

With former drug addicts and orphaned children

Also in the Cenacle community We listened to the testimonies of teenagers who have exchanged drugs for God. A community where there are no therapists, but only guardian angels (former drug addicts who help others) who watch over the newcomers, where the rosary is prayed, where we make prayer and teach them to work and to think of others.

Also we visited Mother's villagea village dedicated to the reception and education of abandoned or neglected children. Born in 1993 from the desire of its founder, priest Slavko Barbaric, to offer children and young people a programmed education so that they can develop physically, intellectually, morally, religiously and culturally.

Another of the most awaited visits is to get to know the parish of Tihaljina and pray under the gaze of Our Lady of Medjugorje. There is no official image of Our Lady, but pilgrims venerate this one from Tihaljina and the other one of the Queen of Peace located in the parish.

Also we met Father Petar LjubicicMirjana, whom the visionary Mirjana has chosen to reveal the ten secrets transmitted to her by Our Lady. He did not speak of inner peace.

I will remember Medjugorje as a spiritual oasis on earth. A place where prays for priestsby the Church. Where Our Lady heals your wounds from the past. Where your heart returns to God. Where you recover the meaning of your life. Where you are filled with peace.


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