Knows the
CARF Foundation

We work to bring God's smile to every corner of the world through priests and by assisting in their formation.
Más información, abajo

What do we do at the CARF Foundation?

Thanks to our benefactors, we help in the formation of priests, spread their good name and pray for their fidelity and vocations.

We work to serve the Church so that no vocation is lost and then they can transmit in their pastoral work all the light, science and doctrine received.
To contribute financially so that diocesan priests, seminarians and religious men and women receive a solid academic, human and spiritual preparation.
We believe in religious freedom and in the contribution of excellence in education to build a just society.
We defend human values, inspired by the Social Doctrine of the Church.

Our commitment

The bachelor's degrees, specialization programs or doctorates provide each candidate with specific training in Theology, Philosophy, Canon Law or Institutional Social Communication.
Seminarians and priests complement their academic and human formation with spiritual formation, since they must be prepared to follow their vocation and lend their body and spirit to the Lord.
Through the family environment and preparation, the development of attitudes, skills and values that impact the personal and social growth of the children is achieved..

Will you join this challenge?

The CARF Foundation This Foundation contributes financially so that priests and seminarians from all over the world receive a solid theological, human and spiritual preparation.


Fernando Martí Scharfhausen
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Fernando Martí Scharfhausen
Vice President
María Consuelo Mesa Casado
Non-Executive Secretary
Fernando Moreno Cea
José Luis Elías Rodríguez
Margarita García Pinilla
David Gómez García
Pablo Paunero Quijada
Amador Sosa Lora
Andres Hernando Aboin
Marian Pampillón Olmedo
Luis Alberto Rosales Araque
Chief Executive Officer
Luis Alberto Rosales Araque
Chief Financial Officer
Juan José Ferrer-Bonsoms Millet
Director of Communications, Marketing and Fundraising
Álvaro Garrido Bermúdez
Communication and Promotion
Jorge Manuel Gordo Moreno

General Secretariat
Ana García Fernández
Social Action Board
Rosana Díez-Canseco
Carmen Ortega
Delegates Catalonia
Federico Armengol Pubill
Carlos García-Elias Cos
Delegate Castilla y León
María Dolores Cuadrado Barbero

Delegate Valencia
Antonio Sánchez Serrano

Delegate Galicia
Andrés Barbé Riesco

Delegate Andalucía Sur
Guillermo Tejera Plasencia

East Andalusia Delegate
Juan Ignacio Tejera Plasencia

Tomás Martín Ruiz
Diego Garcia-Plata Ortiz-Villajos
Pedro Domínguez Benjumea

Luis de Lucas from Madrid
Erick Castillo

History of the CARF Foundation: more than 30 years of service to the
service to the Church

The CARF Foundation is a private cultural foundation for charitable promotion. Learn more about its history and history.


Foundation recognized by the Ministry of Culture, according to Ministerial Order of 22.5.1989, published in the BOE of 13.06.1989, registered under number 140 with CIF: G-79059218.

The formation of priests was present in the apostolic and priestly zeal of the founder of Opus Dei, St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. His successor, Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, made this desire a reality by initiating in 1984 the activity of what is now the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, under the inspiration and impulse of St. John Paul II.