One of the most beautiful experiences I have lived is precisely the one I have had in getting to know other priests and young people from all over the world.

Name: Rosario Pappalardo
Age: 30 years
Situation: Priest
Origin: Acireale, Italy
Study: Degree in Theology from the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.

The Lord's call prevailed over chemistry

Rosario Pappalardo is a priest of the Diocese of Acireale, in Sicily.

"I was ordained on January 4, 2020 during my "Spanish experience". That's right: last year, after a year of ecclesiology studies at the Pontifical University "S. Giovanni", I was ordained a priest on January 4, 2020. Giovanni
Evangelist" of Palermo, I arrived in Pamplona to begin studying for a degree in Dogmatic Theology.

Before entering the Seminary in my Diocese, I studied the Baccalaureate Course in Chemistry at the University of Catania.

In addition to my passion for chemistry, it was the university years that allowed me to have a fantastic experience in university politics. But the call of the Lord prevailed over chemistry and politics: these were the years of key experience in the oratories of my Diocese.

Those were the years in which I chose to deepen my vocational journey. Then, for the first time, I decided to tell my spiritual father everything that was going on in my heart and I remember perfectly what happened here in Spain during the WYD in Madrid in 2011, exactly after the Eucharistic Adoration at the Cuatrovientos airport performed by Pope Benedict XVI.

My formation has made me love to study, but I never thought of concluding my theological studies here in Spain, especially after the pastoral experiences I had in my Diocese.

The experience at the University of Navarra is among the best in my history, and I am not referring exclusively to the didactic aspect. One of the most beautiful experiences I have lived is bequeathed precisely to the
It was an experience that allowed us to discover how beautiful, varied and often complex the face of the Church is. An experience, along with all the others, that I will carry in my heart."

I decided to follow the vocational path at WYD in Madrid in 2011, exactly after the Eucharistic adoration at Cuatrovientos airport by Pope Benedict XVI.

"Thanks to your prayers, I am moving forward in my quest to be another Christ. In the same way, just as you help spiritually, you also help materially, because this would not be possible without people with generous hearts who think of the future of the Church. For this reason I thank you unconditionally for your charism of service, collaboration and availability.

May God bless the work you do in the Church, that it may be fruitful, and may he bless your personal work. For this is the cause from which will arise more acts of generosity in the world, more priests in the Church and more people dedicated by your example. I commend you to our Mother the Virgin Mary, daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son and Spouse of God the Holy Spirit".

Supports a vocation anywhere in the world

full scholarship of 18,000 euros is the amount necessary for a candidate to live and study for one year at their university locations, whether in Rome or Pamplona. The neediest dioceses in the world require a full scholarship for their candidates. In many cases, the diocese covers part of this cost and a lesser amount is required, which is always indicated with the candidate's application.

What does a full scholarship consist of?

More than 800 bishops from all five continents request study grants for their candidates through scholarships. Thanks to benefactors like you, CARF meets most of the requests, but the needs are growing and we want all requests to be met.

In the graph you can see the composition of a full scholarship.

  • Room and board: 11.000€.
  • Tuition and fees: 3.500€.
  • Academic training supplement: €3,500

If there were no priests, there would be no Church. Let no vocation be lost for lack of resources.
Margarita, CARF donor

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