CARF Foundation

17 June, 24


Approach the Tabernacle, by José Manuel Iglesias

Acércate al Sagrario, la visita al Santísimo is the new title published by Don José Manuel Iglesias. A short book that encourages us to visit him and desire to receive him.

"We must strive to discover the marvelous mystery of the innumerable Tabernacles - tabernacles - that form constellations of light visible only to the angels and believers covering the face of the earth".

Jesus is present in the tabernacle... He is offering himself as food.... The author of the book Acércate al Sagrario, don José Manuel Iglesias advises us that what "we have to do is to visit them and desire to receive Him.

There is nothing more effective than Eucharistic piety for walking the path of holiness!

There, in the tabernacle, He waits for us.... He waits for us to draw near and to meet Him, to identify with Him!

A theologian from Betanzos (Coruña) focused on the tabernacle

José Manuel is a priest and has a degree in Theology, from the first graduating class of the University of Navarra. He is also a member of the first graduating class of the Instituto de Enseñanza Media of his native Betanzos.

His priestly work has been carried out in many schools and parishes in the region. diocese of Santiago de Compostela. He is also an occasional contributor to some media outlets. Among other titles, he has written the following books: La visita al Santísimo, Las comuniones espirituales, Una costumbre de siempre: la acción de gracias, Tratar a Jesús -Cartas de un párroco-, Vida eucarística.... As can be seen from these books, Fr. José Manuel likes to be centered in the Tabernacle.

This new book of only 143 pages is divided into four main chapters, not counting the introduction, conclusions and the preliminary chapter. They are simple, close and easy to read pages that first recognize that He wanted to stay with us hidden in the bread; a madness that is the refinement of Love for all men and women of all times. But to be grateful for this madness, we have to learn or improve our Eucharistic culture and our approach to the tabernacle, where He is always waiting for us.

As already advised St. Josemaría since the beginning of his preaching, we have to "assault" tabernacles, look for tabernacles, says Don José Manuel. And in today's cities the task becomes somewhat more complex, since the churches are less conspicuous than in other times and are confused with other buildings. This makes it difficult "to pass unnoticed before the Lord present in that tabernacle, perhaps solitary, or almost ignored, in so many churches, chapels, oratories...".

Learning the civility of piety before the tabernacle

The little book dBolsillo, from Editorial Palabra, invites us, with experiences close to us, to know how to be; to know how to enter a church or chapel; to show the utmost respect for God present in the tabernacle; to recognize Him through silence and prayer.

And to know Jesus we must make the effort to concentrate in order to treat him and to know ourselves. Although "sometimes it is enough for us to be there, nailed before the Tabernacle, to look at him, to keep him company". And as the farmer said "I look at Him and He looks at me, so we understand each other".

Cover of the book by José Manuel Iglesias: Acércate al Sagrario.

I think you are here

This chapter unpacks the value and power of spiritual communion when distance or any other impediment prevents us from approaching a tabernacle to receive from the hands of the Lord. priest Holy Communion. Don José Manuel invites us to make our whole day a continuous Mass. In this way," St. Josemaría taught, "closely united to Jesus in the Eucharist, we will achieve a continuous presence of God, in the midst of the ordinary occupations proper to each one's situation in this earthly pilgrimage, seeking our Lord at all times and in all things.

The book "Approach the Tabernacle" concludes with a very special chapter dedicated to "The Mrs. of the Tabernacle": the Mother of the Sacramental Lord who, being the first tabernacle in the history of humanity, now always accompanies her Son in all the Eucharists of the world.

To kindle our faith and our love for the Eucharistic Jesus, our Mother is the best and most admirable example.