CARF Foundation

5 November, 20

Benefactors: "without priests there is no Eucharist".

María Dolores and Carlos are two benefactors of CARF who contribute to the campaign "Put a face to your donation". For them "without priests there is no Eucharist".

CARF's campaign "Pon Cara a tu donativo" is aimed at committed individuals who are willing to contribute financially to the formation of priests and seminarians around the world. Hundreds of candidates from dioceses lacking the means need us. The objective is that their seminarians and priests can receive a formation of excellence, which would be very difficult to obtain in their own country. 

María Dolores Cuadrado and Carlos Arbesu are two benefactors of CARF who contribute to this campaign. He tells us his testimony. 

"Without priests there is no Eucharist."

María Dolores Cuadrado is 82 years old, has 20 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and her husband in Heaven.  

"I will tell you how I started to collaborate with CARF. From a very young age, my father taught me how important it was for the Church that there were Holy Priests and that a priest is very important for the church.

In Valladolid, we had a scholarship for a seminarian whom my father knew and treated. When my father passed away and I just got married, my husband Mariano continued to help the seminarians. And when Mariano went to Heaven, I wanted to get more involved in that collaboration to continue helping the priests.

I got to know CARF on a trip to Rome and Pamplona, and there I saw in situ the seminaries and what this Foundation was doing for the formation of priests.

The slogan I heard Alejandro Cantero, then director of CARF, who was seeking funds to move CARF forward, filled my heart with strength to workWithout priests there is no Eucharist and without Eucharist there is no Church.

"Thank you for helping my seminarians."

I was excited to experience that, with my little grain of sand, I could help a seminarian become a priest with a scholarship. Since 2008 I have had the joy of having an annual scholarship.

As there have been many years, there have been several priests whom I have been able to help. Felix Amani Luboya of Tanzania. I am currently collaborating with a priest from Japan, D. Akira Kirishima.

On one of the trips to Rome that CARF organizes, I met a Bishop of Uganda thanking us for helping his seminarians in their formation and to spread the seed of the Gospel in their country. These are countries that have few economic means and thanks to the help of many collaborators, they can count on a very good formation for their seminarians.


"I met a Bishop from Uganda who thanked us for helping his seminarians to be formed and to spread the seed of the Gospel in his country."

Akira Kirishima, Japón.

a priest from Japan, is training in Canon Law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. His training has helped him to face the challenges of being a Catholic in a non-Christian society. Getting to know different cultures in Rome has helped him to dialogue with diverse mentalities. He has been able to discover in cultural diversity his strength to offer his community a better liturgy, announcing the Gospel in a way that is more suitable for his community in Japan. María Dolores Cuadrado is helping him financially in his formation. 

Comfort during the pandemic 

"In this pandemic that we are suffering, these priests have given comfort to many people. In my city, Valladolid, many friends and acquaintances have died during the confinement. The families' grief at not being able to accompany him and not being able to celebrate a funeral was lessened with These priests, from Pamplona, celebrated by offering them personally for the person who had died. Everyone I gave that chance was so grateful!

In my house, my children and grandchildren collaborate and are happy that I have this illusion. On Christmas Eve I usually give them envelopes with some money as a gift. One of my grandchildren left me on my bedside table (and still does) the same envelope that I had given him with a few words: "For grandmother's curillas".

From my own experience I would encourage you to help and seek help for these seminarians. The amount is what you can. God multiplies it, but prayer for them has no limits", concludes Maria Dolores. 


One of my grandsons left me on my bedside table the same envelope I had given him on Christmas Eve with a few words: "For grandma's curillas".

María Dolores Cuadrado en un acto de CARF.

María Dolores Cuadrado has been helping with an annual scholarship for the formation of seminarians and priests for twelve years. She organizes events in Valladolid to publicize the seminarians who are helped, such as D. Herman Joseph Kalungi from Uganda. The neediest dioceses in the world require a full scholarship for their candidates. In many cases, the diocese covers part of this cost, requiring a lesser amount, which is always indicated with the candidate requesting it. More than 800 bishops from five continents apply for scholarships for their candidates.

Supporting the Church and the world's development 

Carlos Arbesu met CARF more than 20 years ago through a newsletter that came home and some advertisements in Christian-inspired magazines to which his parents subscribed.

"From the very first moment it seemed to me that helping in the formation of priests was the best and first way I had at hand to support the Church and also the development of the world. I was convinced from the beginning by its universal inspiration," he explains.

Like benefactorusually receives news of the priest or seminarian who receives a scholarship and learns his storyBut deep down we are very happy to help, even if we don't know who the specific recipient of the aid is. Knowing him, in fact, helps us to pray more, but it does not determine our financial support," Carlos told CARF.

Encourage others to invest in the formation of priests.. "From personal experience, I know that without priests and sacraments we would not have the courage to behave as children of God. I am also aware that, with this help, a human development of society is possible in any part of the world and that makes me very proud to be able to continue helping.



Help to sow
the world of priests