The best formator is the Holy Spirit who teaches every day in prayer and through small events.

Name: Denys Lerma Parillo
Age: 23 years old
Situation: Seminarian
Origin: Juli, Peru
Study: Studying Theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona.

The Lord called me to the vocation of the priesthood when I was not yet his son.

Denys Lerma Parrillo is a seminarian from Peru, from the Prelature of Juli. "

In Bidasoa I can award myself in a certain way and say that I come almost from heaven, I say this because Juli is at 3888 meters above sea level and of course, I use this sometimes as a joke.

What I can say without joking, is that the grace of the Lord continues to act and the prayers that are directed to the Lord of the harvest, asking for more workers, gives its fruit whether in the place or in other places, just as the Church is Universal.

I attest that the Lord continues to call; with so much noise, perhaps we do not hear him, that is to say: the question lies in listening.

Each person is a mystery, we all have a history of encountering God - we do not seek him first, but he comes to meet us, he is the one who finds us - and the Lord acts through second causes, by this I mean a friend, parents, television, the internet, an inspiration, the life of certain people or the example of the saints, etc.

The Lord called me to the vocation of the priesthood, when I was not yet his son; if we are talking about greater things, there is nothing better than being at the feet of Jesus.

Just like Mary who chose the better part; I said -yes- to the Lord.

I believe that in an unconscious way the testimony of the life of a priest made me want to accept the grace of baptism at the age of 16, to soon enter the Major Seminary of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Shortly after, I was sent to continue my formation at the Bidasoa International Seminary.

As A. Machado said "walker, there is no path: the path is made by walking", well, I have had to learn everything, from making the sign of the cross, passing through fundamental theology and next year to take the subject of eschatology. Even though it is necessary to study the subjects in the Faculty of Theology and even the professors are quite learned in the subjects, the best formator is the Holy Spirit who teaches every day in the moments of prayer and with small events; the best school, the rosary of the Virgin Mary where one learns about the life of Jesus. Here is my being at the feet of Jesus, like Mary.

This course is my last year of formation in the seminary, soon I will begin another stage in my life, what will it be like? I do not know. With St. Paul I can say that "I know whom I have put my trust in" (2 Tim 1:12)."

"Thanks to your prayers, I am moving forward in my quest to be another Christ. In the same way, just as you help spiritually, you also help materially, because this would not be possible without people with generous hearts who think of the future of the Church. For this reason I thank you unconditionally for your charism of service, collaboration and availability.

May God bless the work you do in the Church, that it may be fruitful, and may he bless your personal work. For this is the cause from which will arise more acts of generosity in the world, more priests in the Church and more people dedicated by your example. I commend you to our Mother the Virgin Mary, daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son and Spouse of God the Holy Spirit".

What does a full scholarship consist of?

More than 800 bishops from all five continents request study grants for their candidates through scholarships. Thanks to benefactors like you, CARF meets most of the requests, but the needs are growing and we want all requests to be met.

In the graph you can see the composition of a full scholarship.

  • Room and board: 11.000€.
  • Tuition and fees: 3.500€.
  • Academic training supplement: €3,500

If there were no priests, there would be no Church. Let no vocation be lost for lack of resources.
Margarita, CARF donor

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