The Board of Trustees of
Acción Social and the help of its volunteers

Más información, abajo

What is the Patronato de Acción Social?

The Patronato de Acción Social (PAS) is an entity associated with the CARF Foundation. Its objective is to complement its activity of serving the Church and the priests, coordinating all volunteer assistance. To this end, it contributes to:
  • The provision of vestments and liturgical objects to newly ordained priests through the Sacred Vessel Case (backpack).

  • Medical-health assistance for priests or seminarians displaced from their countries of origin, and care and assistance for elderly priests who lack companionship.

  • Material support for various tasks in parishes in needy countries, enabling priests to devote their time fully to their pastoral mission.

  • Support for the installation and maintenance of parish churches, outbuildings or parish medical clinics in distressed areas.

  • The provision of books of doctrinal content for libraries and development cooperation actions.

What does the Patronato de Acción Social do?

The Patronato de Acción Social organizes various weekly workshops and specific activities to raise funds that are then invested in the formation of seminarians and priests from 131 countries.
Workshops and activities
All are held at the Patronato's headquarters:
C/ Reina Mercedes, 22 1º. Puerta 12 (28020 Madrid) from 11:00 to 13:30 h. and from 17:00 to 20:00 h.
Monday: Furniture restoration
Coordinates: Carmen Ortega.
We collect donations of furniture and antiques that we restore and subsequently sell.

If you have knowledge about antiques or restoration of furniture and furnishings, we need you!

From 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday: Sewing and singing
Coordinates: Elena Gómez Briondos and Guadalupe Marina.
Our volunteer team sews and embroiders the albs and liturgical linens. They are then delivered, along with the Holy Vessel Cases, to each seminarian who completes his formation and returns to his diocese to be ordained. We need many hands and enthusiasm.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Wednesday: Solidarity Market
Coordinates: María José Ivars and Marta Rodríguez Arias.
Our volunteers sell all the donations (clothes, household goods, decorative objects, etc.) that reach us to raise funds to finance the intellectual, human and spiritual formation of seminarians and priests of the universities in Rome and Pamplona.

From 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Thursday: Knit to knit
Coordinates: Maite Elices.
The team of volunteers weaves baby clothes that we sell through our weekly flea market and the large biannual flea markets that we organize at the Patronato de Acción Social de la Fundación CARF. We also do commissioned work for individuals and companies. Tell us what you need.

From 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Thursday: Knit to knit
Coordinates: Rosana Diez-Canseco.
Occasionally we receive seminarians, priests or other relevant personalities who come to give their testimony at the patronage headquarters. We organize this meeting with a snack to raise funds for the formation of seminarians and priests.
Biannual flea markets
Coordinates: Rosana Diez-Canseco and Carmen Ortega.
We sell all the donations we receive to raise funds to finance the formation of seminarians and priests from the universities in Rome and Pamplona.

Come and help and you will have fun as well as collaborate with the CARF Foundation.

Upcoming event: 28th edition of the PAS Solidarity Market, from November 26 to 30, 2024, from 11 am to 9 pm. Premises of the parish of San Luis de los Franceses. Padilla, 9. 28006 Madrid.

Who are the members of the Patronato de Acción Social?

Rosana Diez-Canseco

Carmen Ortega

Maite Elices

Marta Rodríguez-Arias

María José Ivars

Amparo Serrano

Guadalupe Marina

Elena Gomez

Lola Fenoll

Isabel Otero

PAS History

The initiative to create the PAS arose in 1989 thanks to the drive of a small group of women, Tere Lledias, Lola Olagibel and
Cristina Alonso, who thought about how to promote activities to involve many people in praying for priestly vocations and for seminarians, and to raise funds for those who do not have the means to pay for them.

This last objective has focused, in a very special way, on seminarians from third world dioceses who lack the minimum resources. This gave rise to the idea of supporting CARF in the search for people to contribute money and time to obtain study grants to enable them to study in Rome and Pamplona.

In addition, as a detail at the end of their studies, they are given a backpack (Case of Sacred Vessels) with all the sacred elements necessary to be able to celebrate the Holy Mass in any corner of the planet, where there is not even a humble chapel to celebrate the Eucharist.

Do you want to help the Patronato de Acción Social?

Become a volunteer of the Patronato de Acción Social and help in one or all of the activities, workshops and work they do. By helping the PAS you will be collaborating with the formation of priests and seminarians from more than 130 countries.

We all need each other, join us!