Holy Mass is God's greatest gift to us.

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Why is the Holy Mass a gift from God?

In the Holy Mass we live the sacrifice of Christ, who offered himself to all of us once and for all on the Cross. This, which is the center of our Christian life and the thanksgiving we present to God for his great love for us, is not another sacrifice, it is not a repetition: it is the same sacrifice of Jesus made present.

It is the best time It is the best time to ask God for whatever you want. For the sick, those who have gone to heaven, your family, the Church, the Pope, priests, health personnel or the government. Help those who need it most to have hope. At each Holy Mass, ask God for strength to get through these days with joy and faith.
"Through the Holy Mass we Christians receive God's love and mercy, and we open ourselves to a new life thanks to the Resurrection."
Pope Francis

10 reasons to go to Mass on Sunday

1. Sunday is a day to live closer to the Lord. We direct our gaze to our Creator, resting from our usual work, as the Bible teaches us.

2. The early Christians began to celebrate the day of the week on which Jesus Christ was resurrected as the weekly feast day sanctified in honor of the Lord.

3. Sunday is a gift from the Lord, to be able to treat him, to celebrate with him his resurrection, the event that has introduced us into a new life.

4. It is a day in which the Lord speaks especially to his people.

5. It is a day when Christians gather "for the breaking of bread".

6. By celebrating the Eucharist together, believers unite themselves to the saving Passion of Christ.
7. Sunday's celebration has a festive tone, because Jesus Christ has conquered sin, and wants to conquer sin in us, to break the chains that keep us away from him.

8. This joy of encountering the Lord who saves us is not individualistic: we always celebrate it in union with the whole Church.

9. The Liturgy of the Word The Sunday Mass has a great richness, in which the proclamation of the Gospel is central, with which we retrace the life of the Lord.

10. Sunday Mass is a force that moves us to go out of ourselves, because the Eucharist is the sacrament of charity, of love of God and neighbor for God.

Texts extracted from the article Sunday, the Lord's day and the joy of Christians.
"Do not be afraid to give your time to Christ!". This advice refers primarily to Sunday, the Mass, the day of rest with the family and the day of adoration of God. 
Saint John Paul II

Follow the Holy Mass on the Internet

You can follow the celebration at: CARF YouTube Channel
Monday to Friday at 7:00 pm. During the summer months (July 1-September 30) the live broadcast will be suspended due to reduced hours at the Basilica. However, petitions will continue to be presented at the Eucharist.

Time in mainland Spain

Monday to Friday at 6:30 pm.
During the summer months (July 1 - September 30) the live broadcast will be suspended due to reduced hours at the Basilica. However, petitions will continue to be presented at the Eucharist.

Latin America Schedule

  • 11:30 h. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mexico City (Mexico).

  • 12:30 h. Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico.

  • 13:30 h. Peru, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic.

  • 14:30 h. Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil.