CARF Foundation

3 July, 24

Louange-Daniel Egbeku, sacerdote de africa

Togo's first priest to study to become a diplomat of the Holy See

At the age of 7, Louange-Daniel Egbeku, a young man from Lomé, Togo, in West Africa, already knew he wanted to become a priest.

Louange-Daniel Egbeku is the first priest of the Archdiocese of Lomé (Togo) to be sent by his bishop to pursue a career as a diplomat for the Holy See. But first he has to obtain a degree and for this he is studying Canon Law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

The desire to become a priest from the age of seven years old

This young priest (1992) was born in Lomé, Togo, a West African country, into a Catholic and strongly believing family. The love and faith he received as a child germinated in him a seed that led him to feel a strong desire to become a priest from the age of seven. 

She recalls her childhood with love: "It was spent under the affectionate, benevolent and protective gaze of my parents, together with the love of my siblings and all the members of the family. I completed my basic studies normally, from elementary school through boarding school to high school". 

He also describes his adolescence as a quiet one, in which he received the sacraments of Christian initiation and catechism, and then, like many other boys, was an altar boy for a few years.

Discernment and the great day of ordination

After finishing his primary studies, his fascination and attraction for the priesthood was very much alive, so much so that he wanted to attend the minor seminary of St. Pius X, but he did not succeed.

At the age of 17, with the help of his parish priest, who guided him in discerning his vocation, he decided to follow Jesus, the High Priest. 

"Thus began a new fundamental period of my life, that of initial formation for the priesthood. This phase, carried out successively at the St. Paul propaedeutic seminary in Notsè, at the Benedict XVI philosophical seminary in Tchitchao and at the St. John Paul II theological seminary in Lomé, led me, after several ministries, to my diaconal ordination on September 29, 2018 and my priestly ordination on December 21, 2019.

It was an immense joy, and an opportunity to give thanks for a gift that was in itself free," he says with emotion.

The priesthood: an immense gift from God

"The four years of priestly service that I have carried out up to now, essentially in the parish, as assistant pastor, have been a period in which I have experienced and participated, without merit, in the perpetual unfolding of the unlimited and infinite love of God Our Lord for each and every person, a wonderful time for the daily encounter with both the immensity and the closeness of God. In fact, any speech of mine would be insufficient to translate and bear witness to His sovereignty and providence", he tells us.

Louange Alouassio Sacerdote Africa Iglesia

His bishop saw in him the qualities to pursue a career as a diplomat for the Vatican. He currently resides in the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academyfounded by Pope Clement XI in 1701, an institution of the universal Church charged with training young clerics as diplomats of the Holy See by means of a special course of studies after having obtained an ecclesiastical degree.

"Yes, I am the first in my diocese to be given this great responsibility!" he exclaims enthusiastically. 

At the same time, he studied canon law at the University of PUSCD., with a view to obtaining first a Bachelor's degree and then a Ph. Without the help of the CARF FoundationI would not have been able to carry out these studies.

Thanks to all benefactors of the CARF Foundation.

"Dear benefactors of the CARF Foundation, I would like to thank you for your great benevolence and your important contribution for helping me financially in the first year of studies. I am also grateful for the large number of priests, consecrated persons and lay people who have benefited from your immeasurable support over the years. Bless you!". 

Because, as Louange-Daniel states, this aid is intended for the universal Church and, in particular, for Catholics in Africa so that it can count on excellent priests with an integral formation for the service and progress of the entire community, not only the Christian community. 

"Who knows, maybe also seminarians will enjoy in the future this beautiful "manna from heaven"; I must say that, in my diocese and in the whole of Africa, priestly vocations are particularly flourishing: let us thank the Lord!

In conclusion, I entrust you in a special way to the benevolence of Our Lord and wish you all the best. May the Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Church, intercede for all of you! Long live the PUSC! Long live the CARF Foundation!"

Gerardo Ferrara
BA in History and Political Science, specializing in the Middle East.
Head of the student body at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.


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