10 minutos con Jesús

10 Minutes with Jesus are audios recorded by young priests that help to pray.

Más información, abajoRECEIVE THE AUDIOS

Listen to today's audio of the 10MCJs

What and who are the 10 minutes with Jesus?

To know who we are, it is necessary to know how we were born.

In June 2018, Maria Feria, a mother and teacher at a Christian-inspired school located in Galicia (Spain), suggested to her school chaplain to record short spiritual talks to share during the summer with her children and young people around her.
Father José María, a Catholic priest incardinated in the Prelature of Opus Dei, contacted other priest friends of his (Father Mariano, Father Javier and others) to join this exciting project.

On August 22, 2018, the first Whatsapp group was created and people from all over the world began to join as listeners to this initiative. By the end of summer summer there were already thousands of people who were receiving these audios daily, the priests decided to continue recording the 10 minutes until today. This is the date we usually consider as the beginning of the 10mcJ.

Months later a group of lay people and priests from England and Ireland echoed the success of the project and decided to join in. On August 22, 2019, coinciding with our first anniversary, we began to broadcast the daily 10 minutes with Jesus in English. At the beginning Fr Joseph, a Catholic priest also incardinated to the Opus Deitogether with other priests began to record the meditations. They were soon joined by priests from other Anglo-Saxon countries.

Currently the 10mwJ-10mcJ team is scattered around the world. We don't even know each other... We are united by the internet and the love of Jesus Christ. Priests and lay people from USA, Mexico, England, Spain, Colombia, Kenya, Philippines form the team that makes it possible for thousands of people around the world to spend 10 minutes a day in conversation with Jesus through WhatsApp, Spotify, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube, Ivoox, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast.... 

To God all the glory.