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21 October, 20

What do we celebrate on All Saints' Day?

On November 1, Christians celebrate All Saints' Day. On this day the Church remembers all those deceased who, having overcome purgatory, have been totally sanctified.

All Saints' Day, a Christian Solemnity

El 1 de noviembre los cristianos celebramos el Día de Todos los Santos.  En este día la Iglesia recuerda a todos aquellos difuntos que, habiendo superado el purgatorio, se han santificado totalmente y gozan de la vida eterna en la presencia de Dios.

This is why All Saints' Day is not only celebrated in honor of the blessed or saints who are on the list of the canonized and for whom the Church celebrates on a special day of the year; it is also celebrated on honor all those who are not canonized, but are already living in the presence of God.. These souls are already considered saints because they are under the presence of God.

History of All Saints' Day

This celebration had its origins in the IV century due to the great number of martyrs of the church. Later on May 13, 610, Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Roman Pantheon to the Christian cult. This is how they began to be celebrated on this date.

Later Pope Gregory IV, in the 7th century, moved the feast to November 1.

The saints officially "canonized" by the Catholic Church number several thousand. But there is an immense number of non-canonized saints, who are already enjoying God in heaven. To these, the non-canonized saints, this feast is especially dedicated. The church seeks to recognize the work of the "unknown saints" who risked their lives for justice and freedom anonymously.

El Día de Todos los Santos la Iglesia celebra fiesta solemne por todos los difuntos

All Saints, painted by Fra Angelico. Italian painter who knew how to combine the life of a Dominican friar with that of a painter. He was beatified by John Paul II in 1982.

Difference between All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day

The Pope Francis explained in a very clear way the difference between All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day:

"On November 1 we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. On November 2, the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. These two celebrations are closely linked to each other, how joy and tears find in Jesus Christ a synthesis that is the foundation of our faith and hope. Indeed, on the one hand, the Church, a pilgrim in history, rejoices through the intercession of the saints and blessed who support her in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel; on the other hand, she, like Jesus, shares the weeping of those who suffer the separation from their loved ones, and like Him and thanks to Him, she makes her thanksgiving resound to the Father who has freed us from the dominion of sin and death".

"Hay muchos cristianos maravillosamente santos, hay muchas madres de familia maravillosamente, encantadoramente santas; hay muchos padres de familia estupendos. Ocuparán en el cielo lugares de maravilla." San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

All Saints' Day

On November 1, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. A feast instituted in honor of each and every saint, known or unknown, for their great work in spreading God's message. Many people attend a special Mass in their honor today. This day of the feast of All Saints, the Church asks us to look to heaven, which is our future homeland. We remember all those who are already in the presence of God and who are not remembered as canonized saints. And there are millions who have already reached the presence of God. Most certainly a majority of them did not arrive in a direct way, perhaps they went through purgatory, but in the end they managed to be in the presence of God.

All Souls Day

El 2 de noviembre es el día de los fieles difuntos. Aunque pareciera que es la misma dista mucho de serla. Primero hay que tener presente que la celebración de los muertos viene a ser una tradición cultural donde se recuerda a los que ya murieron y se dedican altares donde colocan fotos, flores y la comida que tanto gustaba en vida la persona recordada. Esta tradición según los historiadores se da principalmente en México 1800 años antes de Cristo. Este día la Iglesia nos invita a rezar por todos aquellos que ya murieron pero que muy posiblemente no han alcanzado el gozo eterno. Quizá estén en el purgatorio y necesitan de nuestras oraciones, por eso hay que recordarlos en la Santa Misa de difuntos  y rezar en todo momento por su eterno descanso.

With the collaboration of

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Vatican News




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