Pray for priests

Priests need your prayers to continue their pastoral work. Let them know they are not alone. Pray for priests.
reza por los sacerdotes fundación carf

Communities that keep the illusion alive thanks to their priests

Thousands of priests are trained to transform their communities in the future; they do so with enthusiasm, without expecting anything in return and facing great challenges.

#rezoXsacerdotes keeps that illusion alive and gives them strength to overcome the obstacles. Remember, I pray for priests.

Help us to promote the prayer: rezaXsacerdotes

Although they do not ask for it, they need your prayers for comfort and to continue their mission. Let them know, through prayer, that they are counting on you and that they are not alone. I pray for priests.

May our prayer give them the strength to overcome obstacles, fidelity to the magisterium and the courage to promote change throughout the world. Let us support them every day with our prayer for vocations.
To be a Christian - and in a particular way to be a priest, remembering also that all the baptized participate in the royal priesthood - is to be continually at the Cross.
Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

Order your pack rezaXsacerdotes*.

To share it with your friends and acquaintances, so that they may join in this prayer campaign for all diocesan priests, seminarians, religious and people in consecrated life.

Nos necesitan para continuar su misión. Tras tu donativo, como agradecimiento a tu apoyo y labor de difusión del rezo por sacerdotes, incluiremos en el envío un rosario de regalo. Dona, deja tus datos y te llegará a casa.

*Los envíos sólo se realizarán dentro de España. Haz antes tu donativo en el formulario Donate e indica rezaXsacerdotes. 

Dona y reza por los sacerdotes


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Donation Total: 50,00€ Yearly