CARF Foundation

27 May, 24

Fabio Galdino párroco y exorcista

Fabio Galdino, Brazilian parish priest and exorcist

Fabio Galdino, parish priest and exorcist in Brazil: "A priest is like the 'house of Bethany', where we learn to be friends, contemplatives and servants. A triad of these elements is of utmost importance, in fact, it is a recipe that has always served the mission of the Church's life."

Don Fabio Galdino has the privilege of being the pastor of the church where he was baptized, where he received his First Holy Communion and also where he was confirmed. A sacramental continuity that thanks to priestly ordination now allows him to celebrate Holy Mass for the people and neighbors who saw him grow up and to whom he now pastors.

This priest belongs to the archdiocese of Paraíbalocated on the Atlantic coast and at the easternmost tip of Brazil. This episcopal see is home to more than one million Catholics and has more than 150 priests, among whom is Father Galdino, who has also received the important assignment from his archbishop to be the diocesan exorcist. A task, the fight against the power of Satan, which places him at the forefront of the Catholic Church in his country.

In an interview with the CARF Foundation, the parish priest talks about the great challenges facing today's parishioners. priestsIn his opinion, the greatest of these is to be aware of the importance of "not falling into activism and personal vanity".

The recipe that always works

"A priest is like the 'house of Bethany'. In the company of Lazarus, Martha and Mary we learn to be friends, contemplatives and servants. A triad of these elements is of utmost importance, in fact, it is a recipe that has always served the mission of the life of the Church."he assures.

fabio galdino amigos

On the other hand, Father Galdino emphasizes that the importance of priestly formationwhich, in his opinion, must always begin in a sincere friendship with Jesus. In this way, he considers that "From there, if there is friendship, there is also docility. And the path that begins in intimacy with Jesus passes through other very important stages for the mission, such as the spiritual life.".

"It is of utmost importance to have a spiritual director, to dedicate oneself to study and formation, and to have a profound experience of a frequent sacramental life. I will be eternally grateful to the one who provided me with these stages and his life experience, so that by receiving all this preparation I could then offer it to so many men and women."the Brazilian priest emphasizes.

The help he received in Rome to become a parish priest

To a large extent, this experience was accumulated during his double stay in Rome thanks to the support he received from the CARF Foundation. When he was in the seminary his archbishop sent him to the Sedes Sapientiae International Seminar to study at the University Pontifical of the Holy Cross between 2006 and 2009. He was ordained deacon in Rome. "I would like to thank all the benefactors who generously gave us this help, and who with it would also end up bringing happiness to so many people, who upon returning to our countries, are grateful for everything we passed on to them, especially what we had the opportunity to learn during our stay in Rome."he stresses.

After being ordained a priest in Brazil, he was in charge of a parish community in his archdiocese for six years, until his bishop sent him back to Rome, in this case to the Altomonte Priestly College, so that he could study Dogmatic Theology at the same university he had attended years before.

Upon his return to Brazil, he became a seminary professor. Currently, in addition to being a parish priest and exorcist, he is episcopal vicar and coordinator of catechesis for the entire diocese. "I am even more grateful today for all the opportunities that God in his providence granted me in view of the missions I was to undertake as a priest."he says excitedly.

He has experienced many good moments during his years as a priest. One day he will never forget is the day of his ordination or when he obtained his degree in theology. However, he notes that "the best moment is the result of a daily gratuitousness of realizing that God used the clay pot that is deposit his treasure. To feel that God is calling us and that the signs of his Word are at work in us day and night is truly something for which to be ever grateful.".

But not everything has been a bed of roses in his ministry, as he says they are especially painful. "the wounds in the body of the Church that we love so much: difficult situations, scandals, fissures and divisions that always sadden and sometimes leave us disillusioned like the disciples of Emmaus.".

A life of faith from childhood

Fabio Galdino was born in João Pessoa, capital of the state of Paraíba, in a Catholic family in which he also received a military education, due to his father's service in the national army of his country, characteristics that have marked the life of this priest.

"From a very early age I had a great pastoral involvement in my parish community, in which I actively participated."The priest, whose vocation was forged precisely within the walls where he now exercises his ministry, points out.

fabio galdino orando

"I believe that parish commitment, evangelization and the need for shepherds after the heart of Jesus were one of the main motivators to respond to God's concerns in my life."Fabio Galdino explains about this call to the priesthood.

But he also affirms that in his life "there was no lack of holy priests who made reference to this desire. I also had many models of saints and pious Christians who were great spiritual directors in my journey, although the main help was the life of prayer and friendship with Jesus. I can say that this was the answer and the key point for my vocation.".

Gerardo Ferrara
BA in History and Political Science, specializing in the Middle East.
Head of the student body at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.


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