CARF Foundation

31 May, 22

Father René Barrera: "Going on pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje was unforgettable".

Father René Ezequiel Barrera was the priest who accompanied the group of CARF pilgrims to Medjugorje, in the first pilgrimage organized by CARF to this town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where Our Lady appeared in 1981. Although the Holy See has not given its definitive approval, Pope Francis has recently given his blessing for parishes and dioceses to organize pilgrimages. René: "Going on pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje, and the fraternity of the group, was unforgettable. The accompaniment that you, as CARF, give to the priest is wonderful".

Pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje

D. René is from El Salvador and is currently in Madrid studying Philosophy at the San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University. Some of his trainers in his country have been priests who studied in the Ecclesiastical Faculties of Navarra and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. For this reason, he was familiar with the work CARF does. "Pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje and the fraternity of the group has been unforgettable. The accompaniment that you, as CARF, give to the priest is marvelous."he says. 

Nos cuenta su testimonio de vocación, su experiencia Visitando a la Virgen de Medjugorje y los principales problemas de su país.

 "Receiving my first communion marked my life."

This priest from El Salvador was born in the town of Conchagua, in the Diocese of Santiago de Maria and was raised in a Christian family. "Something that marked my life was when I received my first communion when I was 10 years old.. It was a turning point for me, despite my youth. Therefore, I committed myself to the Catholic Church as a catechist and began to collaborate with Infancia Misionera," he says.

At the age of 15 he entered the Minor Seminary where he completed his high school studies. His commitment to the parish and the missions led him to deepen his faith. In 2007 he felt that the Lord was calling him to be a priest and he entered the Major Seminary.

Trained in Navarra and Rome

"Some of my formators were priests who had studied at the University of Navarra and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. I think this is one of the great fruits of CARF: the formation of priests who, when they return to their countries, can help many others to be well trained to provide answers to the questions of our century. I would therefore like to say to thehe benefactors of CARF They should feel very proud because their dedication and collaboration are bearing much fruit. The wisdom and holiness, the way of living the liturgy and the Eucharist of these priests trained in Navarra and Rome, is something very great", says Father René.

Priestly ordination

Fr. René was ordained a priest on March 15, 2014 in his diocese, along with five other companions. Afterwards, his bishop assigned him as vicar in the parish of St. Simon the Apostle and, later, he was appointed pastor in the parish of St. Luke the Evangelist. He was there for three years, helping in a marginal area of his diocese: El Carrizal.

"Priestly ordination was a very special moment in my life, It was a very beautiful experience and an unforgettable moment that remained in my heart. Diaconate and priestly ordination are a whole. One gives one's life to the Lord because one makes the promise of celibacy and obedience. And it is, then, when one receives an impressive Grace from the Lord", explains this Salvadoran priest.

Presence of the Virgin

In her vocational journey, she confesses that the Our Lady's presence has been fundamental. "He has accompanied me at all times, offering me his comfort in the most difficult moments, and he has not left me alone. The priesthood is an undeserved gift. As St. Oscar Romero said when he was ordained, "with your everything and my nothing we will do great things".

P.René en Medjugorje

P. René was the priest who accompanied the group of pilgrims who went on pilgrimage to Medjugorje, in the first pilgrimage organized by CARF to this place in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where Our Lady appeared in 1981. Although the Holy See has not given its definitive approval, Pope Francis has recently given his blessing for parishes and dioceses to organize pilgrimages.

"Going on pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje and the fraternity of the group has been unforgettable. The accompaniment that you as CARF give to the priest is wonderful," he says. 

CARF pilgrims in Medjugorje

In this catholic pilgrimage René tells us about his personal experience in Medjugorje.

"This pilgrimage has marked my life. It was so providential! Since I came to Spain I had a great desire to meet Our Lady in Medjugorje, but I could not find anyone to meet with. One person told me: "Father, don't worry, Our Lady knows very well the day she will go and with the people who will go on pilgrimage," says Fr. When CARF gave him the opportunity to accompany the pilgrims, he could not believe it.

Four hours of confession

"I have gone with whom Our Lady wanted. From Medjugorje I can tell you about the two great experiences I have had. The first has been to experience this very special encounter with the Lord and Our Lady. in the activities of the parish of Medjugorje. Then, to live a true fraternity that you as CARF provide. to the priest. An unforgettable experience of God". 

He also recounts another shocking moment. "I spent four hours confessing in the confessionals in the parish of Medjugorje. To see the people and the community come to confession with a repentant heart is very moving. Some pilgrims came to Medjugorje out of curiosity, but in the end they approached the sacrament of reconciliation and sought the Lord's forgiveness to live what Our Lady has asked for: confession, rosary and prayer".

Mount of Apparitions

Another very moving experience was the climb to the Apparition Hill with the whole group, praying the rosary and stopping at each mystery. The next day, despite the early start and the difficulties involved, the climb to the Mount of the Cross seemed wonderful to her. "Praying the Stations of the Cross, stopping at each station as the hill steepened, was wonderful".

He also enjoyed very much the celebration of the Eucharistic celebrations with the group and that he celebrated, full of devotion with the CARF pilgrims.. "Many brothers and sisters do penance and go to Medjugorje with much love to see Our Lady and she gives them her love. Going on pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje has been an unforgettable experience. And many thanks to CARF for the work they do for the priests".

Medjugorje I can tell you about two great experiences I have had. The first one was to experience this very special encounter with the Lord and with Our Lady in the activities of the parish of Medjugorje. Then, to live a true fraternity that you as CARF give to the priest. An unforgettable experience of God. Another impressive moment: the four hours that I was confessing in the confessionals of the parish of Medjugorje. To see the people and the community come to confession with a repentant heart is very touching".

Apostolic challenges in El Salvador

Father René will return to his country, El Salvador, when he finishes his formation in Spain. He will face several apostolic and social challenges. "The main problem in my country is delinquency. Many children, from an early age, get hooked on this scourge. It is the struggle of our country. We must know how to educate these young people so that they find help and love in God", states.

There are also other problems of justice, emigration..."As priests, it is up to us to pray a lot and to accompany the suffering people, especially in poor communities. The parents of delinquent children suffer a lot. We have to pray a lot so that the people can meet God".

In the parish of San Cristóbal de Madrid

Don René is currently in Madrid, at the request of the bishop of his diocese, studying philosophy at the Ecclesiastical University of San Damaso. This is his third year, so he has one more to complete his formation.

"I live in the parish of St. Christopher in Ciudad Pegaso in Madrid. I assist the parish priest in the liturgy and sacraments. In addition, we accompany a group of Venezuelans in the parish. Therefore, I combine my studies with the pastoral work of this parish," he explains.

Finally, she insists on concluding by thanking again for her wonderful experience of going on pilgrimage with CARF to Medjugorje.

Marta Santín 

Journalist specializing in religious information.


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