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24 March, 23

espíritu santo pentecostés

Prayer to the Holy Spirit to thank Him or ask for favors

We gather some prayers to the Holy Spirit. The Church proposes its devotion throughout the year, at Easter, with the Decennial to the Holy Spirit, we prepare ourselves for the feast of Pentecost.

The Pope explains faith in the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost Sequence

The oldest prayer to the Holy Spirit to ask for a favor is the Pentecost sequence or Veni Sancte Spiritus es una oración escrita en latín, con la que realizar la invocación al Espíritu Santo. Esta una de las cuatro secuencias que se mantuvieron tras la reforma litúrgica realizada por el Concilio de Trento.

It recalls the first coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost, narrated in chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles.

The original text of this prayer to the Holy Spirit is attributed to Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury (ca. 1150-1228), although both King Robert II the Pious (970-1031) of France and Pope Innocent III (ca. 1161-1216) were also considered its authors.

Come, Holy Spirit,
and sends down from Heaven
a ray of your light.

Come, father of the poor,
come, giver of graces,
see the light of hearts.

Magnificent dildo,
sweet guest of the soul,
its sweet refreshment.

Rest in fatigue,
breeze in the summer,
consolation in crying.

O most holy light!
fills the most intimate
of the hearts of your faithful.

Without your help,
there is nothing in man,
nothing that is good.

Wash what is stained,
water what is arid,
heals what is wounded.

Bend what is stiff,
heats what is cold,
straightens what is astray.

Grant to your faithful ones,
who trust in You
your seven sacred gifts.

Give them the merit of virtue,
give them the port of salvation,
give them eternal happiness.


Come Creator Spirit: Prayer to the Holy Spirit prayed daily by John Paul II

In January 1980, in his first meeting with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Saint John Paul II He confided to his listeners that he prayed this prayer to the Holy Spirit to ask for a favor.

"I learned to pray to the Holy Spirit from an early age. When I was 11 years old, I was sad because I had a hard time with mathematics. My father showed me in a little book the hymn "The Holy Spirit.Come Creator SpiritHe said to me: "Pray it and you will see that He helps you to understand. I have been praying this hymn every day for more than 40 years and I have known how much the Divine Spirit helps."

"I remain obedient to this commandment that my father gave me," noted the Polish saint who until the end of his life prayed daily the prayer suggested by his father, the hymn Come Holy Spirit Creator. "This was my own spiritual initiation," he added.

Come, Creator Spirit,
visit the souls of your faithful
and fills hearts with divine grace,
which Thou Thyself hast created.

You are our Comforter,
gift of God Most High,
living fountain, fire, charity
and spiritual anointing.

You pour out upon us the seven gifts;
You, the finger of God's hand;
You, the promised one of the Father;
You who put on our lips the treasures of your word.

Enkindle our senses with your light;
infuse your love in our hearts;
and, with your perpetual help,
strengthens our weak flesh.

Keep the enemy away from us,
give us peace soon,
be yourself our guide,
and placed under your guidance, we will avoid all that is harmful.

Through you let us know the Father,
and also to the Son;
and that in You, Spirit of both of us,
we create at all times.

Glory to God the Father,
and the Son who rose again,
and the Comforting Spirit,
for ever and ever. Amen.

V. Send your Spirit and they will be created.
R. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray: O God, you have enlightened the hearts of your children with the light of the Holy Spirit; make us docile to your Spirit so that we may always taste the good and enjoy its consolation. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit by St. Josemaria

St. Josemaría had a special devotion to the Paraclete, perhaps because he was the least invoked Person of the Blessed Trinity.

Every year, St. Josemaría made the Decenary to the Holy Spirit, using the book by Francisca Javiera del Valle. In April 1934 he composed a prayer to the Paraclete, which he gave, in manuscript, to Ricardo Fernández Vallespín, then director of the first Opus Dei Residence.

Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit,
Fill the hearts of your faithful
and ignites in them
the fire of your love.
Send, Lord, your Spirit.
May it renew the face of the Earth.


Oh my,
that you filled the hearts of your
faithful with the light of the Spirit
Holy One; grant that,
guided by the same Spirit,
and we feel righteously and
may we always enjoy your consolation.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Decennial to the Holy Spirit, 10 days of preparation for Pentecost

The Decennial to the Holy Spirit is a beautiful and ancient custom with which the Church encourages its faithful to prepare in the best possible way for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

It begins 10 days before the feast, that is, on the day of Jesus' Ascension to heaven. On that day Jesus Christ promised his disciples that he would send them the Paraclete. The disciples remained in Jerusalem in continuous prayer to the Holy Spirit together with Mary.

These are, therefore, the days of Lent are a propitious occasion to remember that first prayer together and to prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit.

"On the eve of beginning this Decade, which is the eve of the glorious Ascension of our Divine Redeemer, we must prepare ourselves, with firm resolutions, to undertake the interior life, and having undertaken this life, never to abandon it."    (Francisca Javiera del Valle)

The following is a proposal for a simple decennialbased on the requests of Pope Francis for the Year of Faith. Designed to prepare for the feast of Pentecost, pray a prayer to the Holy Spirit, read a text of St. Josemaría and propose a mission for each of the ten days.

St. Josemaría and the Holy Spirit, the Great Unknown.



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