CARF Foundation

23 May, 22


New book by author Don Ramiro Pellitero Iglesias

Ramiro Pellitero's new book, Education and Christian Humanism: A Contribution of Beauty and Hope, was published last November.

Education and Christian Humanism published by ed. Eunsa shows on the cover Jesus listening and teaching in the temple at the age of 12, according to the detail of this stained glass window, located in the church of Saint-Sulpice de Festugières, France, by Ludovic Alleaume, 1919.

Author: Ramiro Pellitero

Born in León (Spain), January 13, 1956. Priest.

Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Associate Professor in the Department of Systematic Theology at the University of Navarra. Professor of Ecclesiology and Pastoral Theology as well as advisor in faith education.

Education and Christian humanism

La pandemia del covid-19 ha replanteado nuevos e importantes retos a nivel educativo. Estaba ya en marcha un proceso de renovación del currículo de religión en distintos países, de acuerdo con requerimientos cada vez más internacionales y globalizados. A ello se añade, en lo que respecta a la Iglesia católica, la publicación de la tercera edición del Directorio para la catequesis (marzo de 2020) y el establecimiento del ministerio instituido de los catequistas (mayo de 2021).

In an environment of social and religious pluralism, the Christian perspective contributes to an authentic ethical and educational globalization in our digital culture. It makes possible a new existence, which is accompanied by the seeds of a new earth, of a new world.

Don Ramiro Pellitero organized this book in three parts:

  1. Presents the need for educational action that promotes the integration of the person in his or her own growth and maturation.
  2. Sample the centrality of Christ in a Christian-inspired education that aspires to be coherent. Therefore, it must be consistent with the educational dimensions of faith.
  3. Concreta algunos objetivos y medios en el marco de la nueva evangelización.

This book aims to show how the Christian message contributes to humanize the world in a horizon of beauty and hope. 


Nuevo Libro de Ramiro Pellitero Iglesias - Educación y humanismo cristiano - Expertos CARF

Ramiro Pellitero highlights among his interests, questions on the identity and mission of the Church, the figure and task of the lay faithful and Christian-inspired education.

Index of Chapters

In the face of the Educational Emergency

  1. Education as an ethical task
  2. Educating in a "post-truth era

Educating for Christian coherence

  1. Faith and reason, faith and culture
  2. Educating affectivity
  3. Solidarity, ecology and fraternity
  4. Transcendent education

Within the framework of the new Evangelization

  1. To educate in the horizon of holiness, prayer and evangelization.
  2. Educational keys to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  3. Challenges, attitudes, interdisciplinary work


Mr. Ramiro Pellitero Iglesias
Professor of Pastoral Theology
Faculty of Theology
University of Navarra


Published in "Church and new evangelization".


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