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27 June, 24

The 108 Eucharistic miracles of Carlo Acutis

This Italian student named Carlo Acutis was an amateur computer programmer. Throughout his life he collected Eucharistic miracles from around the world and catalogued them on a website he created before his death from leukemia.

With his actions and conduct, the now declared saint represents a model of a young man who knows how to follow with courage and firmness the path indicated by the Lord, in spite of the difficulties.

A life with Jesus

The Blessed's life project Carlo Acutis was to live with Jesus, for Jesus and in union with Jesus. His life was not to dedicate it to vain things, but to give it to God, placing all his projects in his hands.

The life and legacy of this young Italian Blessed, leaves as fruit a work on the Eucharistic Miracles for all Christians.. By using the Internet to bring Jesus to the whole world. Thus making an important contribution to the evangelizing work of the Church. Church.

Blessed Carlo Acutis is an authentic witness that the Gospel can be fully lived by an adolescent. His brief existence, destined to the goal of the encounter with Jesus, is an example for Christian youth..

The exhibition on Eucharistic Miracles by Carlo Acutis

Blessed Carlo Acutis is known as Patron Saint of the Internet because he was able to use the new communication techniques to transmit the Gospel and to communicate Christian values.

In addition, he conducted research, compilation and design work that resulted in the creation of 163 panels where photographs and historical descriptions of Eucharistic miracles are shown. in different years around the world.

In this way the exhibition on Eucharistic Miracles by Carlo Acutis, which has already toured many countries around the world, was born.. Visited more than 500 parishes in Italy and more than 10,000 parishes in other countries. Being translated into different languages.

With a a great variety of photographs and historical descriptions, the exhibition presents part of the Eucharistic Miracles. that have occurred over the centuries in different countries and that have been the subject of major events that have recognized by the Catholic Church. By means of the panels, Blessed Carlo Acutis manages to make us virtually visit the places where these miracles took place.

Carlo Acutis has a message for today's youth: life in Christ is beautiful and must be lived in fullness. Eternal realities are authentic and we are immersed in them more than we think.

carlo acutis canonizado

"Everyone is born original, but many die as photocopies". In order not to die as a photocopy, Carlo Acutis drinks from the source of the Sacraments, which for him are the most powerful means to grow in Christian virtues. 

What are Eucharistic miracles?

The Eucharistic miracles are prodigious interventions of God. which are intended to confirm faith in the real presence of the body and blood of the Lord in the Eucharist.

During the liturgy of the Eucharist, the most important moment of the Eucharist is the Catholic MassWe present the bread and wine that will be transformed into the body and blood of Christ.

This marvelous transformation takes the name of transubstantiation, that is, the change of one substance for another, it cannot be experienced at all by the senses, only faith assures us of this marvelous transformation. The Eucharistic miracles seek to confirm this faith, which is based on the words of Jesus: what appears to be bread is not bread and what appears to be wine is not wine.

In the Eucharistic miracles, the flesh and blood are indeed seen, or one without the other, depending on the miracle. The purpose of these miracles is to show that we should not look for the external appearance (bread and wine), but for the substance, the true reality of things, which is the flesh and blood.

Brief biography of Blessed Carlo Acutis

This young Blessed died in October 2006, at the age of 15, of fulminant leukemia, leaving in the memory of those who know his life a deep admiration for his witness of Christian life.

From a very early age, Carlo showed a great attraction for the EucharistHe was a normal boy. He did different apostolic works. He played the saxophone, played soccer and had fun playing video games. But he did everything with an absolutely special harmony, thanks to his great friendship with Jesus.

He was a great connoisseur of the computer world. His knowledge ranged from computer programming to film editing, website creation, digital newspapers, and he used it for his apostolate.

His devotion grows daily thanks to Communion, he fervently participates in Holy Mass, prays before the Blessed Sacrament. Carlo's love for the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary fueron los pilares de su vida. La Virgen María era su confidente y nunca dejaba de venerarla rezando el Santo Rosario y dedicándole sus sacrificios en forma de renuncias.

This is how Carlo Acutis lived, in intimate friendship with Jesus, and in his constant presence, he understood that an authentic spiritual life was necessary for effective missionary action. When he was diagnosed with leukemia, he offered his sufferings "for the Lord, the Pope and the Church".

Since April 6, 2019, Carlo's mortal remains have been at rest in the Sanctuary of the Despotate of Assisi. Pope Francis named him Blessed on October 10, 2020.

carlo acutis canonizado
"You stand facing the sun you get tanned...but when you stand in front of Jesus the Eucharist, you become holy." Carlo Acutis.

Prayer of Carlo Acutis

This is the official prayer to request the intercession of the Blessed, as well as his prompt canonization:

O Father,
that you have given us the burning testimony,
of the young Venerable Carlo Acutis,
who made the Eucharist the center of his life
and the strength of their daily dedication
so that others would also love You above all things,
make it possible for me to
to be part of the Blessed and the Saints of your Church.

It confirms my faith,
nourishes my hope,
strengthen my charity,
image of the young Carlo,
that, growing in these virtues,
now lives to You.

Grant me the grace that I need so much....
I trust in You, Father,
and in your most beloved Son Jesus,
in the Virgin Mary, our most sweet Mother,
and in the intercession of Your Venerable Carlo Acutis.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

The evangelical witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis is not only an encouragement for today's adolescents, but it also provokes parish priests, parish priests, parish priests of the parish of priests and educators should ask themselves about the validity of the formation they give to young people in the parishes. And what to change so that this formation is deep and lasting.


Biography of Carlo Acutis - D. Nicola Gori
Writings of Father Roberto Coggi


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