CARF Foundation

28 December, 21

Kenneth Orom, Ugandan seminarian

Kenneth Orom is a 27-year-old seminarian from the diocese of Jinja in Uganda. He studies theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona. He talks about the youth of his country and religious freedom. He tells us his testimony.

"I come from a Catholic family. I am the youngest of five children: two brothers and three sisters.. My parents always took me to church and there I was attracted by the preaching of the parish priest, because he had a great gift of attracting people by his simplicity.

This priest inspired me a lot because in addition to his homilies on Sundays, during catechism classes he always talked to us about the life of the Church.ocation to the priesthood and to religious life. Also about the path that God asked of each one.

Love for priests

In some of those catechism classes, I remember the priest asking who wanted to be a priest, and some of us raised our hands. Ever since I was a little boy, I have had a great love for the Holy Mass and priests. They have inspired my vocation to the priesthood.

With this desire, in 2008, after finishing my primary school studies, I entered the minor seminary at the age of 14. In 2014 I began my philosophy studies at the major seminary of my diocese and then did a year of pastoral ministry.

A great reception in Spain 

It was in 2018 when my bishop sent me to the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona to continue my formation in Theology.

When I arrived in Spain, I felt very well received and welcomed by the trainers and students of Bidasoa.. The kindness of the people is very gratifying. This country is very beautiful, besides offering a rich gastronomy, especially shrimps and snails.

"The youth in Uganda are very open to religion and young people express a constant search to meet God."

Kenneth Orom is a 27-year-old seminarian from the diocese of Jinja in Uganda. He is studying theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona. Since he was a child he has had a great love for the Holy Mass and priests. "They have inspired my vocation to the priesthood," he says.

He sincerely believes that the message of Jesus can profoundly reach the youth of his country through the closeness of pastors and the interest that young people show in the Gospel. "That is why I believe that, at present, Africa is the Catholic reserve of today's world," he says.



Religious freedom in Uganda

What is my country like? In Uganda, for example, we have no problems with religious freedom, everyone has the right to their own belief and thank God, we have no clashes between us over religion.

The youth in Uganda are very open to religious matters and young people show a constant search to meet God. This can be seen in the youth activities we organize in my diocese and the large number of boys and girls who come to church.

Africa is the Catholic reserve of today's world

I sincerely believe that the message of Jesus can reach them through the closeness of the pastors and the interest they show in the Gospel. That is why I believe that Africa is currently the Catholic reserve of the world today.

A lot of pastoral work is carried out, every day new parishes are built and many people attend them, and a large number of baptisms and confirmations are celebrated.

Synod on Synodality

Regarding the upcoming Synod of Bishops on synodality, to which the Holy Father has convoked the entire People of God, I believe that one of the most important things is the participation of all the members of the family. Every household should promote involvement in this Synod in which the whole universal Church should participate.

Evangelizing in social networks

On the other hand, society has changed a lot in recent years, especially because of the great influence of social networks. For this reason, it is necessary for Catholics to evangelize in this new apostolic field.. The Church must give the best response in all social networks.

However, I believe that the best way to evangelize is through friendship, face to face, but since everyone is now connected through networks, the church must also preach in this digital continent.

"It is necessary for Catholics to evangelize in social networks. The Church must give the best response in this new apostolic field."

Kenneth affirms that society has changed a lot in recent years, especially because of the great influence of social networks. "For this reason, it is necessary for Catholics to evangelize in this new apostolic field.. The Church must give the best response in all social networks," he says. 

However, he believes that the best way to evangelize is through friendship, face to face, but since everyone is now connected through networks, the Church must also preach in this digital continent.

Thanks to benefactors

To all my benefactors who have made my studies in Pamplona possible, I thank them for their support. Without your collaboration it would not be possible to continue my formation on this path to holiness through the priesthood.

I encourage you to continue with the commendable work you do with so many servants of the Lord who do not have the financial resources, but have an immense desire to be trained to serve others and to be able to offer them quality training.

Hoping that God will bless you, I commend myself to your prayers, while keeping you in my prayers".



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