CARF Foundation

18 September, 20

"Gabon needs pastors trained in Institutional Communication."

Wenceslas Lengoma is a priest from Gabon (Central Africa). He studies Institutional Social Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Wenceslas Herman Lengoma is a priest of the Diocese of Franceville, in Gabon (Central Africa). He is 38 years old and is studying for a degree in Institutional Social Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. He tells us his testimony.

Gabon needs trained pastoralists

Gabon today has six dioceses and one apostolic prefecture. The country received its first missionaries in 1944, on September 29, 1944, when the Catholic Church was established in Gabon thanks to the missionaries of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Mary, who later became the Congregation of the Holy Spirit or the Spiritists.

The diocese where I am incardinated, that of Franceville, groups together two large provinces: the province of Haut Ogooué and that of Ogooué Lolo. This extension poses a serious problem for the pastoral workl, due to the reduced number of priests who do not reach all the faithful. We need more priests in my diocese, well trained, to reach all the faithful.

Este problema está provocando que las llamadas “iglesias protestantes de avivamiento” se estén estableciendo en la zona. Estas iglesias nos llegan desde países fronterizos como Congo Brazzaville, Camerún, e incluso desde más lejos, de países como Nigeria Togo, Benín, Chad, etc. Por lo tanto, es esta la razón principal por la cual mi obispo me envió a estudiar a Roma Comunicación Social Institucional, para después establecer una radio católica en la diócesis, lo que promovería la cercanía a nuestros fieles a través de programas religiosos como la misa, la alabanza, lectura de la palabra de Dios, etc.

Specific needs of my diocese

I began to study Social Communications at a university in Rome where I was trained in subjects such as the Social Doctrine of the Church, History of Sociology, Economics, Psychology, History of the Media, etc. All these subjects, in spite of their importance, did not meet the concrete needs of my diocese. So, I decided to change university.

"We need more well-trained priests in my diocese Franceville, (Gabon, Central Africa), to reach out to all the faithful."

Wenceslas Herman Lengoma.

Wenceslas Herman Lengoma is a priest of the diocese of Franceville, Gabon (Central Africa). He is 38 years old. He is studying for a degree in Institutional Social Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. His bishop wants to promote a Catholic radio station in the diocese and foster closeness with the faithful through religious programs. 


"I embarked on an incredible adventure." 

On October 8, 2018, the day the school year began, I embarked on an incredible adventure: that of looking for the university that could provide me with the training I needed. to be useful and effective to God's people in my countryAnd since providence is the mother of all virtues, at 10:30 a.m. - I still remember the exact day and time - I came across a large building where I could read the plaque "Pontifical University of the Holy Cross"..

My heart was filled with joy, even without knowing why. So I cheered up and, without knowing exactly where I was going, I went in and kept walking with great determination. I walked through the corridors, read material about the Faculties and the classes and in the end I arrived to meet Professor Daniel Arasa, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Communication, and then the Dean of the Faculty of Communication.

Well-trained priests in the field of communications

I explained to them what had happened to me and the urgent need for me and my diocese to have sacerdotes bien formados en el ámbito de la comunicación. More than a year has passed since that moment and I can say that in Holy Cross, I found a direct link with the long-awaited objectives of my diocese, and today I feel happy and I am learning a lot, for which I am very grateful to those responsible for this institution.


"At the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, I have found a direct link to the long-awaited goals of my diocese."

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Wensceslas is learning a lot at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Thanks to the Bachelor's Degree he is studying, Institutional Social Communication, when he arrives in his diocese in Gabon, he will be able to promote the Catholic radio station that his bishop has asked for, whose work has been suspended due to lack of funds. He is grateful to CARF for helping him to complete his studies.



Thanks to the support of CARF

What has made possible this great change in my academic and priestly life - because in this way I can dedicate myself to the needs of the people of God in my diocese - was the support of CARF, Centro Academico Romano Foundation. In fact, when I enrolled, the representative of this Foundation spoke to me about the possibility of being helped - and not only me, but also my diocese - to be trained in the School of Communication y put my knowledge at the service of my bishop and the faithful in Gaboncompleting the radio station, whose construction work was suspended due to lack of funds.

This experience is a providential adventure that has led me to this Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. I remain grateful to the entire administrative staff, to the professors, as well as to the benefactors of CARF: may the Lord grant each one the necessary graces, and may St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, always take care of each of your families and of you!


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Gerardo Ferrara
BA in History and Political Science, specializing in the Middle East.
Responsible for the student body
University of the Holy Cross in Rome


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