A la familia se la define como escuela del amor. Este año, que Navidad no cae en domingo, celebramos el último domingo del año la fiesta y no el viernes anterior.
"The Redeemer of the world chose the family as the place for its birth and growth, thus sanctifying this fundamental institution of every society." Pope St. John Paul II, mensaje del Ángelus, 30 de diciembre de 2001.
The family The family is an intimate communion of life and love, founded on marriage between a man and a woman, open to the gift of human life and love forever. This feast points to the Holy Family of Nazareth as the true model of life. All the families of the world should always turn to the protection of the Holy Family, in order to learn to live love and sacrifice.
The family is defined as a school of love and a domestic Church. The family is the providential place where we are formed as human beings and as Christians. Our family is where we grow in wisdom, age and grace before God and mankind.
It must be a place of dialogue between God and man, open to the Word and to listening. Seconded by the family prayer that strongly unites. St. John Paul II highly recommended the recitation of the Holy Rosary within families, and he had very much in mind that phrase that says: "the family that prays united, remains united".
It is for all these reasons that the Feast of the Holy Family invites us to welcome, live and proclaim the truth and beauty of the family, according to God's plan.
The identity of Christ and his mission have taken shape in history and in the world in the bosom of the Holy Family. We can say that this is the model within which, in the vast majority of cases, the Lord's call to the sons of Christian families to their consecration and vocation to the priesthood takes place. For this reason, the role of Christian families is fundamental in the emergence of vocations.
Both the priesthood and the consecrated life are free gifts from the Lord and it is indisputable that the vast majority of vocations arise from within families that believe and practice, from environments in which the values of the Holy Family of Nazareth are lived.
To discover this vocation, the role of parents in the formation of their children is crucial. No institution can replace their work in education "especially as regards the formation of conscience. Any intrusion in this sacred sphere must be denounced because it violates the right of parents to transmit to their children an education in conformity with their values and beliefs", Spanish Episcopal Conference 2022.
In the Familiaris consortioPope John Paul II taught that "Christian marriage and the Christian family build up the Church: for in the Christian family the human person is not only brought into being and progressively introduced into the human community by means of education, but also by means of the rebirth of the human person. baptism and education in the faith in which the child is also introduced into the family of God, which is the Church".
El hogar que vive siguiendo el ejemplo de la Sagrada Familia es escuela de oración. From an early age, children learn to place God spontaneously in the first place, recognizing Him and dialoguing with Him in all circumstances. TIt is also a school of lived faith, where learning does not take place in a theoretical way, but is embodied in everyday work. Likewise is a school of missionary diffusion as active promoters of consecrated vocations.
Vivir el evangelio no es fácil hoy en día, más aún en estos tiempos. Sin embargo, In the Gospel we find the way to live a holy life on a personal and family level, a certainly demanding but fascinating path. Camino, que podemos recorrer siguiendo el ejemplo Jesús de Nazaret y gracias a su intercesión.
En todo hogar hay momentos felices y tristes, pacíficos y difíciles. Vivir el evangelio no nos exime de experimentar dificultades y tensiones, de encontrar momentos de feliz fortaleza y momentos de triste fragilidad. Debemos comprender que es el Espíritu Santo quien guía hoy a todo ser humano. Pero hay que escuchar al Espíritu que habla en nosotros; hace falta una mirada de fe para captar la realidad más allá de las apariencias.
Monsignor Javier Echevarría at the shrine of Torreciudad alluded to the fact that it is the family home "where the various vocations in the Church are forged", and expressed the wish that families be "truly Christian, that they consider the call of some of their sons to the priesthood a great divine blessing".
Pope Francis offers us in the apostolic exhortation Christus vivit, diez pautas para reflexionar sobre la fiesta, la educación en el hogar y el facilitar a los hijos el proceso de discernimiento de la vocación.
- Synod of Bishops, 2001.
- Clerus.org.
- Spanish Episcopal Conference 2022.
- Pope Francis Audience, 2019.
- Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal Christus Vivit, Papa Francisco, 2019.