CARF Foundation

4 June, 24

Foto de familia en la Jornada de Benefactores de la Fundación CARF 2024

Annual meeting of benefactors and seminarians of Bidasoa

On May 24, the Benefactors' Day took place in Pamplona, an event that serves as a tribute to all of them. They visit the University, greet the Dean and meet the students who will graduate this year and leave Bidasoa.

A long awaited appointment. An unforgettable day in which the benefactors and friends of the CARF Foundation live a day of emotions together with the seminarians and the formators at the Bidasoa International Seminar (Pamplona).

Arrival of benefactors and Patronage volunteers

On May 24, Bidasoa welcomed the group that left Madrid's Atocha station at 7:30 in the morning. A few other friends of the CARF Foundation joined in from other parts of Spain. Emilio, the spiritual director of the seminary, together with a few seminarians, was waiting at the Pamplona station to receive the benefactors and the volunteers of the Board of Trustees Social Action Plan (PAS).

patronato de accion social jornada de benefactores

Carmen, Marta and Amparo are some of the PAS volunteers who help through donations and the organization of activities to defray the cost of the backpacks of sacred vessels which also contain the custom-made albsa gift that is given one by one to graduating seminarians.

The testimony of three priests for benefactors

The day began at the Ecclesiastical Universities of Navarra with the testimony of three priests who told how, thanks to the benefactors of the CARF Foundation, the training they receive enables them to be formators of other priests and seminarians in their countries, and even to work in the curia of their respective dioceses.

don José Obiols, futuro sacerdote, hablando a los benefactores.

Don José arrived in Bidasoa in 2018 from the Diocese of San Juan de Guatemala. and a few weeks ago he was ordained a deacon in Pamplona. He is now finishing his theology modules. "I have enjoyed a lot during these six years. I return to my country with a full heart and I am still floating after my recent ordination as a deacon."He told the group of benefactors while showing them a video of his years in Pamplona.

A Mass in a Cuban suburb

Don Fredy is another priest studying theology, specializing in biblical studies. He was a seminarian at Bidasoa, returned to his country (Ecuador), where he was ordained a priest, and has now returned to Pamplona to complete his studies. "Bidasoa has been my family," he thanks the benefactors of the CARF Foundation.

jornada benefactores fundacion carf 2024 testimonio

In addition, he said that thanks to the backpack of sacred vessels which he received from PAS during one of his missions in Cuba, was able to celebrate Mass in the middle of a neighborhood with neither liturgical nor material meansThe suburb's inhabitants were very grateful for the Mass.

Héctor, from the Diocese of Tabasco (Mexico), was also a seminarian in Bidasoa. He finished in 2020, was ordained and continued at the University of Navarra to study dogmatic theology and doctorate. "I have been adventuring in Spain for eight years, from 2016 until now, thanks to you, my dear benefactors."he said.

The show to the benefactors of the Majo Magician

And after the Holy Mass and lunch, the long awaited and amusing show The seminarians offer to the benefactors and friends of the CARF Foundation: Mariachis, the Magician Majo, who gave us some very well done magic tricks that shocked everyone, and the solo songs of a Nicaraguan seminarian who delighted those present.

As always, the pop dance group composed of the band Bidasoa and "Bidawockeez"He offered a choreographed musical performance that ended with a standing ovation from the benefactors and attendees.

Delivery of the backpacks of glasses holy

But, without a doubt, the delivery of the backpacks with the liturgical objects and the custom-made albs to each of the seminarians is the most awaited moment.

As he said Carmen del PAS: "At the beginning of the course, Bidasoa gives us the measurements of each of the seminarians to make the albs by hand for each of them. Once finished, they are delivered to each seminarian inside his Sacred Vessel Backpack.".

jornada benefactores fundacion carf 2024 entrega de mochilas

These backpacks with everything necessary to celebrate Holy Mass are used by seminarians, already ordained priests, in their country of origin. Thus, they are able to impart the sacraments with dignitywhether in the middle of a mountain, desert, jungle, a lost valley or in a neighborhood that lacks adequate facilities.

The day ended with a procession of the Virgin of Bidasoa through the garden of the seminary, while the holy Rosary was prayed to give thanks to the Virgin of Bidasoa. Virgin Mary for the gifts received.

Below are the names of the graduating seminarians who received the backpack of sacred vessels:

The 13 graduating seminarians

  • Cesar David Villalobos
  • David H. Chipeta
  • Enbo (Paul) Liu
  • Gregorius Aero Indra Bayu Paska
  • Humberto José Gazo Silva
  • John Laurens A. Tupas
  • John Mark B. Mijares
  • Jonathan Mendoza Martínez
  • José Rolando Becerra Ramírez
  • Laurence Andrew Q. Magallanes
  • Moses Samuel Ochogo
  • Vedastus Martine Machibula
  • Xiaowen (Joseph) Yuan

Marta Santín, Journalist specializing in religious information


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