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Your contribution has tax benefits. If you donate 250 €, you will be deducted 200 €.
Más información, abajo
We need priests
Jesus knew us very well when he instituted the sacrament of Holy Orders. He had become man, so he did not need anyone to relate to each one of us. However, he knew that we need to see, touch and experience. That is why he left us priests, so that God's Mercy would be made palpable and visible in the sacraments.
We need you
"Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into his harvest" Mt. 9:38. Even more so when vocations seem to be scarce. That is why we need you, so that with your help and prayer the words "They appointed priests in every church, and when they had prayed and fasted, they commended them to the Lord in whom they believed" Acts 14:23.
Bringing the Heart of Jesus to the world
Every year, on the day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus We celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests. By filling the world with priests of the same heart we will change the world completely. Your help will have a direct impact on the spiritual and academic formation of thousands of diocesan priests and seminarians to be holy and learned.
Tax benefits for donors

Donate 250 € and benefit from an 80 % deduction %

Thanks to the Law of Patronage, donations of up to 250 € will have an income tax deduction of 80 %. That is, by donating 20.84 €/month or 250 €/year, the Treasury will refund you 200 € on your income tax return. For 50 € per year you can help our seminarians and diocesan priests to continue their formation so that no vocation is lost.

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Help us to seed the world
of diocesan priests

Donate now 250 €.