CARF Foundation

20 December, 23

navidad cristiana

How to live Christmas?

The weak and defenseless child of Bethlehem is God. He was not born to seek conflict with the Roman power nor with the tyranny of those who believed themselves to be infallible interpreters of the Law, but He did not shrink from error, the force of evil or injustice.

He brought the truth, the good, the light and the peace that the world needs. He came to free all men and women from the tyrannies that sin brings with it. He offered his life also for his persecutors and for those who hated him, so that they too could attain salvation. So that they could have a happy and lasting life.

That is why today's Christian Christmas

It is party It is a feast of love and freedom, of speaking freely and confidently of the good things that bubble up in the heart, without flinching in the face of adverse environments. A good time to recognize how good and joyful is the reality of marriage and family, how beautiful the smile of a child, how tender the affectionate gaze of a sick grandfather who barely babbles. An opportunity to look at the society in which we live with realism and joy: although there is no lack of difficulties, there is much that can be done to build, with the efforts of all, a world worth living in.

"Jesus, You, lying in a manger, are the bread of my life."

Pope Francis Homily Christmas Mass 2018

Christian Christmas

 Bring a invitation to all men of good will so that we may reconsider, so that, respecting the differences, opinions and ways of being of each one of us, let's look for decidedly the important thing: the true good of every human being, above personal selfishness. It is a feast of optimism, light, reconciliation, joy and peace.

navidad cristiana

"Christmas is you when you illuminate with your life the path of kindness, patience, joy and generosity."

Pope Francis

A few tips

And such optimism, joy and peace will be real if let Jesus be born in our heartsto enlighten them.

These tips are:
a) Put on the nativity scene and explain it to the children, and pray there, reliving the scene.
b) Go to the Midnight Massor take special care of the Mass of that day. Preparing well with a good confession
c) Give something of ourselves to those in need, especially of our time and affection for our family and those close to us.

Mr. Francisco Varo Pineda
Research Director
University of Navarra
Faculty of Theology
Professor of Sacred Scripture


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