Continue to help the dioceses and congregations that need your help.

Name: Ângelo De Assunção Rosário Domingos Muecheno.
Age: 33 years old.
Situation: Priest.
Origin: Dundo, Angola.
Study: Faculty of Communication, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome.

"I am,  Ângelo De Assunção Rosário Domingos Muecheno, a priest of the Diocese of Dundo, sent to study Communication by Bishop Estanislau Marques Chindecasde at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Diocesan priest who appreciates your support, your gesture of charity that leads the Church to grow, to mature, both in the pastoral and academic fields. This is my first year in Europe thanks to your generosity and support.

I come from the Diocese of Dundo is located in the east of Angola and is a vast territory. The province of Lunda Norte is one of the 18 provinces of Angola, located in the northeast of the country. The capital is the City of Dundo - Chitato, in the Municipality of Chitato and its area is 103,760 Km2. And I am from the Municipality of Cambulo, Nzaji Village, where I spent all my childhood and adolescence. Then I was sent to the seminary in 2011 in the City of Saurimo, where I did Propedêutico, Already in 2013 I was sent to Philosophy in the Province of Uije, North of the country and in 2016 to the City of Huambo in the South of the country, where I had attended the Theology Course at the Major Seminary of Christ the King Theology section.

On September 13, 2020, I was ordained deacon in the municipality of Cambulo, in the village of Nzaji, and on May 9, 2021, by imposition of hands Don Estanislau Marques Chindecasde, Bishop of Dundo, I was ordained priest in the same diocese. By the grace of God I serve the Church of God and in particular the Diocese of Dundo. Therefore, I would like to ask you to continue to help the dioceses and congregations that need your hand. You will excuse me for writing in Portuguese (it has been translated from the original), because I am still learning Italian and I am not fluent in writing and speaking.

May the Lord protect you and watch over all your affairs".