God's love for all of us is incomparable, but there are those whom he looks upon with a special tenderness to serve his people as shepherds.

Name: Midhun Dominic.
Age: 28 years old.
Situation: Seminarian.
Origin: Vijayapuram, India.
Study: Theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona.

I have felt God's love at every moment of my seminary formation.

Midun Dominic, a seminarian in the Diocese of Viyjayapuram, near Bangalore, southern India.

"I entered the Diocesan Seminary, Dominic Savio, on July 11, 2011. After 8 years of formation in India, my bishop sent me to the Bidasoa International Seminary and Faculty of Theology at the University of Navarra.

I never thought I would come to Spain to study Theology. In the first year I had some difficulties in my studies because of the Spanish language, but I am doing well here and I am very happy, thank God!

When I was a little boy, I always had the desire to be a priest, I attended a monastery located in my town and I used to go every day to Mass. There were many kind priests who helped me discover my vocation. I expressed my desire to my parents and they were very happy with the decision I had made; I waited until I finished my studies to enter the seminary.

When I finished my studies I was welcomed by the diocese of Vijayapuram. I have felt God's love at every moment of my seminary formation.

God's love for all of us is incomparable, but there are those whom he looks upon with a special tenderness to serve his people as shepherds. God's call leads us to happiness and to a specific vocation. In the world in which we live that voice continues to resound, but it has been overshadowed by all the noise that makes it go unnoticed".

"My gratitude for what you do for us, for your prayers and your generosity to continue with our formation, which is not only religious, because this experience allows us to know the universality of the Church, so that when we return to our countries we can apply it. Thanks to this opportunity that God has undeservedly given me, to your support and the confidence that my bishop has placed in me.

Wishing the Lord to bless you and reward you abundantly for all the good that your work does for the People of God, and may Our Blessed Mother Mary always accompany you, I commend you to my prayers".