I thank you for your efforts to provide excellent training to me and to so many brothers around the world.

Name: Cesar Gomes Agostinho Junior
Age: 28 years old
Situation: Seminarian
Origin: Nova Friburgo, Brazil
Studies: Studying Theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona.

I want to continue my formation to become a good priest.

Cesar Gomes Agostinho Junior is a seminarian from the city of Cordeiro, in the interior of the province of Rio de Janeiro, in the Diocese of Nova Friburgo, Brazil.

"I have been here in Spain for three years now, forming myself to, God willing, become a priest.

Last year my diocese changed bishop and at first, I had to return to my diocese to finish my priestly formation. However, God, who is always provident, has granted me the great gift of returning to Spain to finish my last year of seminary.

I appreciate all your efforts to provide an excellent formation to me and to so many brothers from all over the world.

This gratitude translates into continued prayers for you and your intentions.

Thank you very much for your self-sacrificing work for the good of the Church and for the greater honor and glory of God."

"Thinking about how to thank you, I remembered the words of Our Lord in the Gospel. Are there not ten who have been cleansed? The other nine, where are they? (Lk 17:17). It is a passage of the Gospel in which Our Lord complains about ten lepers who have received a cure from Him, but only one has returned to say thank you

Through these few words, I would like to express my gratitude to you for everything you have done for me. Thank you very much! Our Lord, who does not allow himself to be outdone in generosity, I will give you back a hundredfold. I pray for you." 

What does a full scholarship consist of?

More than 800 bishops from all five continents request study grants for their candidates through scholarships. Thanks to benefactors like you, CARF meets most of the requests, but the needs are growing and we want all requests to be met.

In the graph you can see the composition of a full scholarship.

  • Room and board: 11.000€.
  • Tuition and fees: 3.500€.
  • Academic training supplement: €3,500

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