God's love for all of us is incomparable, but there are those who look at us with a special tenderness to serve the people as pastors.

Name: Alberto Sánchez Feria
Age: 30 years
Situation: Seminarian
Origin: Tabasco, Mexico
Study: Studying Theology at the Bidasoa International Seminary in Pamplona.

I had never thought about a vocation to the priesthood, but the Lord was placing the means

Alberto Sanchez Feria is a seminarian of the Diocese of Tabasco, Mexico. He was born in Villa Benito Juarez, Macuspana and is the oldest of 2 brothers.

He entered the Diocesan Seminary of the Lord of Tabasco and Our Lady of Guadalupe on August 6, 2017, in the Introductory Course stage. 

"God's love for all of us is incomparable, but there are those who look at us with a special tenderness to serve the people, as pastors. God's call to us is first of all to life, to happiness and then to a specific vocation.

In the world in which we live that voice continues to resonate, but it has been overshadowed by all the noise that exists in the world, which makes it go unnoticed.

In my case I had never considered a vocation to the priesthood, despite persevering in the pastoral life of my parish, but the Lord was placing the means for his voice to reach my heart, and I listened to him, and leaving everything like those fishermen of the Sea of Galilee, to follow him, And here I am, in a place that I never imagined to be, as it is to be forming myself to be a Priest and also to find myself here in Spain, the following of Jesus has not been easy but He Himself does not abandon us and places the means, material and spiritual, so that His work can be carried out."

"I want to express my gratitude for what you do for us, and with me, for your support with your prayers and donations, to continue with our education, which certainly could not be carried out, and which is not only intellectual and religious, but also cultural, because this experience allows us to know the universality of the Church, so that when we return to our countries we can share it, thanks to this opportunity that God has undeservedly given me, and the trust that my Bishop has placed in me.

I wish the Lord to bless you and reward you abundantly for all the good that your work does for the People of God, and may Our Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, help you in your mission, and I recommend you to my prayers.