I thank the CARF Foundation for its concern to contribute to the intellectual formation of priests.

Name: Jean Ramazani Mukwanga.
Age: 30 years.
Situation: Presbyter.
Origin: Kindu, D. R. of Congo
Study: Canon Law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Jean's story

"My name is Jean RAMAZANI MUKWANGAI am 30 years old, I come from Congo/Kinshasa and I am a priest of the diocese of Kindu.

I was ordained a priest on 05/06/2022 and after my ordination, my bishop, thanks to the scholarship granted by the CARF Foundation, sent me to Rome to study Canon Law because there is a need to create an ecclesiastical tribunal in our diocese.

I was born in a family of 9 children in which, 7 brothers and two sisters, I occupy the second place. We are all Christians and my parents are still alive.

However, I had a vocation in the first year of high school when I received the sacrament of Baptism, then I spent two years in the parish before going to the minor seminary, after having done two years in the parish, in the third year of high school my pastor sent me to the minor seminary and I spent four years there, and they gave me a state diploma. Then I went to the major seminary for three years of philosophy and four years of theology. Then I went back to my diocese to have 2 years of pastoral experience in the parish before being ordained a priest.

Before coming to Rome as a deacon, I was secretary to my bishop for 6 months and worked in the parish as a bursar for another 6 months. During my experience as a deacon I brought communion to the sick, visited the poor and was involved in the formation of children in the knowledge of the word of God. Finally, I thank the CARF Foundation for its concern to contribute to the intellectual formation of priests".