CARF Foundation

30 July, 24

10 Minutos Con Jesús y Fundación CARF

10 Minutes with Jesus and the CARF Foundation; synergy that transforms

10 minutes with Jesus and the CARF Foundation join forces to bring the Gospel to thousands of people through the digital world.

10 Minutes with Jesus and the CARF Foundation have joined forces to carry the message
of the Gospel to thousands of people through digital media and to support the formation of future
priests. Find out how you can be part of this evangelizing mission.

What is 10 Minutes with Jesus?

10 Minutes with Jesus is a daily prayer initiative that offers reflections on the
Gospel of the day. This project was born with the aim of providing a space for prayer and
meditation accessible to all, especially to young people and adults who are looking for a
moment of peace and spiritual connection in the midst of their daily routines. Each reflection lasts
approximately ten minutes and is designed to be listened to through a variety of different
digital channels.

Since its launch, 10 Minutes with Jesus has experienced exponential growth.
What started as a local idea has transcended borders, reaching thousands of people.
in different countries and in several languages. This diffusion has been made possible thanks to the dedication of
the priests involved (among them they call themselves Ignotos so as not to give their names and thus avoid any prominence), and to the effective use of digital platforms such as YouTube,
WhatsApp, Telegram, and other means of communication.

Channels to Listen to 10 Minutes with Jesus

10 Minutes with Jesus has become an essential tool for the daily prayer of the people of
thousands of people around the world. Thanks to the versatility and accessibility of the
digital platforms, this initiative has been able to reach a wide and varied audience.

YouTube is one of the most popular and effective channels for listening to 10 Minutes with
. The free platform enables users to subscribe to the official channel and receive
notifications each time a new audio video is posted. This ensures that listeners are not
lose any reflection and can easily integrate them into their daily routine. In addition,
YouTube offers a visual experience that complements the audio content. The videos
often include inspirational images and biblical quotations that enrich the reflection.

But what really stands out is the functionality of the button. Super Like. Thanks to the
Super Like at YouTubelisteners can make donations directly to the Foundation.
CARF, thus supporting the formation of future priests, which is essential for carrying out this
evangelization project.

There are also other ways to access the 10 Minutes with Jesus daily reflections. The
The best known is WhatsApp, which allows you to receive the reflections directly on your phone
mobile, facilitating daily access. Another messaging platform that offers a channel
specific for reflections is Telegram.

You will also find 10 Minutes with Jesus on Spotify and other podcast platforms,
ideal for those who prefer to listen to reflections while on the move.

Who are the priests of 10 Minutes with Jesus?

Behind every daily 10 Minutes with Jesus reflection is a dedicated team of
priests who are well trained and committed to their pastoral mission. These priests not only
share their theological and spiritual knowledge, but they also offer a
close and accessible accompaniment of the faithful.

The formation of priests is crucial for the Church and for initiatives such as 10 minutes with
. The CARF Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that priests receive an education that is
The priest is an integral member of the community, embracing both theological and human aspects. A well-formed priest is
able to communicate effectively with the faithful and adapt to the new forms of
evangelization, as demonstrated by the priests participating in 10 Minutes with Jesus.

St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, emphasized the importance of formation
spiritual and academic formation of priests. In his teachings, he commented that the spiritual and academic
The priest's training is not limited to theological knowledge, but must encompass all the
aspects of human life, so that he can be a true shepherd of souls. These words resonate in the mission of the CARF Foundation and in the dedication of the priests who participate in 10 Minutes with Jesus.

Inspiring Stories from 10 Minutes with Jesus listeners

The influence of "10 Minutes with Jesus" is reflected in the numerous testimonials from listeners.
who have found comfort, inspiration, and a deeper connection to their faith through
these daily reflections. A young professional commented: "Since I started listening to 10
Minutes with Jesus, every morning I feel my day begin with purpose and peace. These
reflections help me to focus and remember the importance of my faith in every aspect of my life.

10 Minutes with Jesus and the CARF Foundation have created a powerful alliance that not only leads to
the message of the Gospel to thousands of people around the world, but it also supports the
formation of priests, which are fundamental for evangelization. The active participation of the faithful, either by listening to the reflections, or by making donations through the Super Like on YouTube, or by collaborating with the Foundation, is essential to continue this transformative mission.

The synergy between these two initiatives demonstrates that evangelization can be adapted to the needs of the
modern times and reach people through digital media. By joining this mission,
you not only enrich your spiritual life, but you also contribute to the formation of priests.
Be part of this incredible transformation and help bring God's word to every corner of the world.
corner of the world!


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the world of priests