CARF Foundation

24 September, 19


Express donations

As a result of a collaboration agreement with CaixaBank, the CARF Foundation is distributing an electronic toothbrush to parishes and institutions in order to facilitate donations for the formation of priests and seminarians around the world.

The Director of Marketing and Fundraising explains this initiative of the Foundation to help in the formation of priests.

- How did the idea of promoting these donation pedestals come about?Ā 

The idea is the result of a collaboration agreement between CaixaBank and the CARF Foundation, where the bank, through its Institutions department, makes available these "electronic brushes" or "donation stands" containing a slot for coins and banknotes, and a POS that is activated with the contactless system, contactless, devices such as payment cards, cell phones or watches. It also carries a code for payment with BIZUM. The reduction in the use of cash and the massification of electronic means of payment make this initiative realistic and likely to prosper in the future.

- What is the main objective?Ā 

The first and most important objective is to have a billboard in favor of helping priests, in such an important stage of their life as their formation and why not in the final stage of their active life, when they are older and need the help of the parish they served. This is the main message promoted by the pedestal.
Ā The second objective is to facilitate micro-donations in favor of these priests. This is done by using the piggy bank where coins or bills can be deposited, or by bringing the payment device with a choice of three options: 5, 10 and 19 euros, which is the maximum value accepted by the devices. contactless so that you do not have to enter any additional data, neither account nor name nor document nor signature.

- Where can they be installed and how much does it cost?

The device is designed for any place that has an influx of public, for example churches, universities, schools, etc., although our campaign is aimed primarily at places of worship. The parishes or institutions that participate do not incur any costs, as they are absorbed by CaixaBank and the CARF Foundation.

- How is the allocation of the proceeds from donations organized?

The collection is distributed as follows: all that is collected in cash along with what is collected by credit card from the POS, is managed by the parish in order to support the priests and seminarians of the parish or the diocese. This decision is made by the parish priest, but the destination is made explicit in the message, at the moment of personalizing the vinyls of the cover. The amount collected with BIZUM is managed by the CARF Foundation in order to help priests and seminarians from the five continents.

- How many parishes already have these electronic toothbrushes?Ā 

The campaign began in September and has been placed in five places such as the Pontifical Basilica of St. Michael, or the Church of the Holy Spirit in Madrid, among others. We hope to extend the project as much as possible, for which we are open to receive inquiries and requests in the mail. [email protected].

- Is this an original way to help people contribute to the formation of priests and seminarians?Ā 

Yes indeed. It is an original way of doing it and it does not compete at all with the needs and priorities of the parishes. Past, present or future priests are part of the churches and parishes, and we Christians have the duty to support them in the different stages of their lives, we cannot be only critical, demanding availability, dedication and knowledge. This is a way to collaborate with them.


Help to sow
the world of priests