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22 May, 22

St. John Paul II and his family

It is said that St. John Paul II spent a large part of his life accompanied by a portrait of his parents and that he kept it close to him on the day of his death, April 2, 2005. Admittedly, this type of devotion is not common, since for some people such a photograph would make them nostalgic and sad. On the other hand, KarolWojtila kept his parents present until his departure for heaven on April 2, 2005.

That is why the detail that was published during the first visit of that pope to Saragossa is not strange to me. He spent the night of November 6-7, 1982, in the archbishop's palace, and there were those who were so kind as to place the portrait of his parents on the bedside table. Whoever it was, I think that the Lord will repay him in spades. It reminds me of Jesus' saying that whoever gives a glass of water to a child will not go unrewarded. It was a detail of tenderness, and above all, of exquisite charity, that continues to challenge me.

The Pope's mother

Se llamaba Emilia Kaczorowska. Su imagen presenta cierto parecido con su hijo, con un rostro cuadrado y macizo, ojos grandes y nariz sobresaliente. Hija de unos pobres artesanos, su vida ha sido dolorosa, pues pronto quedó huérfana de madre. Era una mujer de fe robusta y piedad ardiente, con una especial inclinación a las devociones marianas. Nunca gozó de buena salud, pero el nacimiento de su hijo Carol le infundió la fuerza y la alegría de ver crecer a un niño sano y robusto, en contraste con una hija que seis años antes había fallecido al nacer. Emilia había encontrado en un joven militar llamado Karol, que llegaría a capitán, el compañero ideal. Le atrajeron no solo su buena educación y cortesía sino también su profunda mercy. Stationed in the garrison of the small town of Wadowice, Captain Wojtyla had a modest salary and led a somewhat routine life. He spent many hours away from home, although he arrived home in time to share in a peaceful Christian family life in which the prayer and meditation, but also readings on the history and literature of Poland, the homeland that had regained its independence in 1918. As one of the pope's biographers put it, that home was a little Nazareth.

familia papa juan pablo II 1

Pope St. John Paul II with his parents.

His loss in childhood

At the age of nine, young Karol, familiarly known as Lolek, will witness the death of his mother. He is forty-five years old and has been the victim of nephritis. The father, who was fifty in 1929, was forced to retire from the army to take care of his young son. There is also an older son of twenty-three, Edmund, who some time before had gone to nearby Krakow to study medicine. This son, stationed in various hospitalsEdmund will make frequent visits to the family home to find his father and brother. However, in 1932, when he was only twenty-six years old, Edmund died of scarlet fever. He had caught it from a sick woman whom he had been determined to cure.

Such was his generous and energetic character, passionately devoted to his vocation as a physician.

On the way to your vocation

Los dos Karol, padre e hijo, permanecen en el hogar de Wadowice. El padre prepara la comida se hace cargo de la limpieza y supervisa las tareas escolares del niño. Además, en aquella casa se rezan muchos rosarios, un modo de acercarse a la Madre celestial en ausencia de la madre terrena. El hijo asiste primero a una escuela municipal, y luego al liceo de la ciudad. Es un estudiante destacado en muchas materias, especialmente en religión, y también será un esforzado portero de fútbol, que se gana la simpatía de sus compañeros, entre los que hay muchos judíos. Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, aproximadamente un tercio de la población de la ciudad era judía. Al joven Karol le impresionará el sumo cuidado que los judíos ponen en sus ritos religiosos, lo que a veces contrasta con unas iglesias cristianas vacías y con una piedad rutinaria. Muchos años después, al visitar la sinagoga de Roma, siendo ya papa, afirmará que “los judíos son nuestros hermanos mayores en la fe”.

Antonio R. Rubio Plo
Graduate in History and Law. Writer and international analyst.
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